Example sentences of "and [vb mod] [vb infin] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The merchant bank or broker will charge a commission for procuring the subscribers and may agree to subscribe itself for the balance if it fails to procure sufficient interest from its clients .
2 The references and further reading I have included here would make useful introductory reading to this subject and may help to prepare you for sessions and discussions based on the concept of accountability .
3 Researchers at the University of Liverpool have developed a method of identifying polychlorinated biphenyls ( PCBs ) which indicates their source and may help to follow them through the environment .
4 They will be less available than previously to sit on appointment panels and may have to limit themselves to advising on senior posts only .
5 In washing her hands after breakfast she had taken off her wedding ring and must have left it on the side of the basin .
6 It could and should have led him to great opportunities .
7 If , on the other hand , God should have ordained for me thus , miserable and wretched as I am , and should have called me by His grace to sit solitary and serve him in that manner , as he deigns to grant to me , shall I not persevere in that calling ?
8 Old Asshe had liked him , he had been certain , and should have welcomed him as a son-in-law ; but evidently no man in the world was to be permitted to fill that position .
9 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
10 Southend could and should have won it near the end when once again the Town defence got itself in a tangle …
11 Knighton , now owner of Carlisle United , blamed the board for allowing Leeds to take the title , saying : ‘ United had money in the bank and should have spent it on a striker at Christmas .
12 The reader should resist the temptation to think of the law as a closed set of rules and principles , and should strive to see it as a setting in which the business of politics and government is carried on .
13 keith richardson says that Gloucester made basic errors and could have helped themselves to nineteen points … you ca n't afford to make such errors against a team like Bath and in the end things went badly wrong
14 It indicates that you are unlikely to be a person who thinks she knows all the answers and would tend to overwhelm her with advice and urge her to ‘ dry your eyes and try not to think about it too much ’ ; and best of all , you care .
15 But of course Downton is a huge company , too , and would have dragged everyone through the courts if necessary . ’
16 As the head of Cedars was making his entry list for September already , and would have to submit it by the end of the week , the educational psychologist was going to request a place for Balbinder before Statementing him .
17 The feats would have been long saved for , and would have boasted plenty of meats , sweets and intoxicants .
18 ‘ I must say I was not aware of all the problems the police have detailed and would have done something about it had they told me . ’
19 It was an exchange of literary gossip , having to do with the finances of writing , and the ‘ ghosting ’ of the Marlborough memoirs , and would have meant nothing to the dancing , chattering folk in Raasay House .
20 Arctic plants would have been transported southwards on icebergs , and would have established themselves on the islands corresponding to the modern mountains .
21 Groom stood her ground and , eventually , as a way out of the impasse , telephoned the Woman 's Page editor in London , who advised her that , as she was already in France , she should do the interview and would have to send it to the Ashleys for their approval before publication .
22 He had grabbed hold of Cliff and had him halfway over the ship 's side and would have dumped him into the dock had he not been restrained by a couple of his workmates .
23 Perhaps Friday was still a wild man and would try to kill me in the night .
24 If you are attracted to knowing more about your own psychology ( and other people 's ) , or have low self-esteem or emotional problems and would like to do something about it , then you need to decide how ‘ deep ’ you want to go .
25 Or it could be that they would be appropriate for the reception area in one of the factories , or we might give one to a distributor and say , here you are , this you know , put this in if you 've got the right sort of area and would like to use it for a bit , stick it in there .
26 I 've been buying your magazine religiously for the last 18 months and would like to thank you for a great read .
27 ‘ We really appreciate your responsibility and concern and would like to thank you for the clear and reasonable explanation given . ’
28 I am enjoying my writing career and would like to develop it into a full-time career if I can earn enough money .
29 I then told him that I was collecting her works and would like to buy them from him .
30 It may be an absolutely true statement , but it does nothing whatsoever to give any guidance as to the ways in which performance may be improved and merely passes a message down the line that those at the top do not want to know the bad news and would like to dissociate themselves from it .
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