Example sentences of "and [v-ing] out [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Stopping the pipes and stepping out on the footpath at the side of the river I walked towards the Green Berets .
2 Disgust shivered through her , and stepping out of the reach of his hands she hissed , ‘ Get out of my house , you mucky little sod !
3 Opening the weather door 360 feet up and stepping out for the final 44 feet outside is , he says without particular emphasis , ‘ dramatic ’ .
4 Practise this the full length of the training hall and then switch feet , keeping the right foot in place and stepping out with the left .
5 They wheel about the sky , fading and crystallizing out of the air to the horror of their victims , striking fear into their hearts with their piercing cries .
6 In any case most of the time required will be taken up at the beginning , in the planning and drawing out of the plan on paper , in choosing the plants , and in soil preparation and planting .
7 The beauty had disappeared below deck now and Fernando was leaning on the handrail waiting for her and gazing out towards the harbour buildings .
8 ‘ There was an arrangement , I freely admit it , ’ he said , bravely breaking it to her and gazing out across the valley as to a disappearing dream .
9 I started to run up , straight up the hill , erm lucky the monster was running straight at me and sticking out of the crowd and he tripped over and after the end
10 She was always crying and storming out of the classroom .
11 I remember Trevor [ Howard ] just standing up and looking at him , mouthing a bad word and walking out of the room .
12 The drivers had the hardest job , concentrating on holding their positions and keeping out of the way of the front and rear gunners .
13 Furthermore , Piper , I wo n't be in this trench tonight , ’ continued Taff , rising to his feet and climbing out of the trench .
14 A lot of erm them , cos erm we 're up , we 're in the upper sort of thing , we 're in the upstairs in a form room , so when we walk downstairs to erm down to a lesson they come barging up there and pushing out of the way !
15 No other words were needed and he stood , walking to the window and looking out at the courtyard that was bathed in sunlight .
16 Luke said , going scarlet and looking out of the window , ‘ I wondered if , I mean , do you need , I mean , would you have any job you could give me ?
17 Then she was aware of someone staring at her and looking out of the corner of her eyes she saw it was Carmella .
18 He withdrew his hand and turned from her , standing in his saddle and looking out across the valley .
19 Sorvino glanced at his observer and saw that he was half-turned in his seat and looking out towards the back of the car .
20 ‘ You did n't think of opening your door and looking out into the corridor ? ’ she asked .
21 What it might be found to share with the first is a simultaneous avoidance and acting out of the ambivalence which constitutes subordination , and a pushing of that ambivalence to the point of transgressive insight and possibly reinscribed escape .
22 Having said that , the vague possibility that we may end this season by finishing bottom and going out of the League remains incomprehensible to me and I am at a loss to explain it .
23 I like any types of music , except The Smiths , The Cure , etc I like movies , fun and going out over the weekend to have a good old boogie- Write to Julie …
24 He would come down soon anyway and say he was all right and going out on the moor again .
25 ‘ I 'll go , ’ said David , putting down his glass and hurrying out of the room .
26 So far he had attended Mass at St Basil 's only once , sitting at the back and hurrying out after the service before anyone could speak to him .
27 But he had to restrain himself from leaping up and switching the light off and peering out into the street from behind the curtains .
28 Still I got all the washing and ironing out of the way thank goodness , it 's not bad now is it ?
29 In the early days at least , being your own boss means sacrificing your social life , forgoing a salary and traipsing out in the rain to post your own letters .
30 I 'll bet , ’ he added , ‘ that for all your years of book-learning you know nothing about strapping on a pair of waders and getting out into the stream , feeling the water swirl around you — or how to bait a hook — ’ He pulled a small plastic box towards him .
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