Example sentences of "and [v-ing] him [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of course you can , ’ she said , taking his arm and walking him towards the bay window , but she kept one eye on the painting in case they were tempted .
2 He went back for the President , lifting him from behind by both elbows and walking him into the shower with his boxer shorts and his sandals on .
3 Farrar s sentimentality may be excessive but we may envy his freedom to recognize and express childhood affection as well as childhood aggression ( ‘ I 'll kill you for that , ’ said Barker , leaping at Eric , and seizing him by the hair' ( ibid .
4 " You can tell him , " I said , turning and looking him in the face , " that you were entirely mistaken ; that my boss really is my boss , and that I 'm not going to have a baby . "
5 He said here are and tapping him over the nose
6 ‘ I 'll take him up to his bed , Cissie , ’ Beth told her , at the same time taking the boy by the hand and leading him towards the door .
7 Absolutely , ’ he said , hooking an arm around the man 's shoulders and leading him from the porch .
8 The Doctor ran for cover , grabbing the poet 's sleeve and pulling him to the side .
9 Valerie Eliot was also his protector — as a secretary she had for a long time been organizing his daily life and guarding him from the world , and it was probably the calm assurance of her presence which first drew him towards her .
10 This time Midnight moved aside and grasping him round the back of the neck as he passed , flung him headlong into the gathering crowd .
11 After approaching him on the street and ushering him into the house he told the boy ; ’ Welcome to the Devil 's Kingdom ’ and threatened to kill him if he did nt co-operate .
12 Brown was found guilty after trial of assaulting Mr Kelly , 23 , by punching and kicking him about the head and body , seizing hold of him , stabbing him on the body with a knife and to the danger of his life .
13 ‘ Daddy , darling , ’ Alyssia said , smiling genuinely for the first time since she had stepped foot back on to English soil and kissing him on the tip of his nose , ‘ in your own cantankerous way , you 've put your finger right on the button . ’
14 I remember once having to chase a man who had done something nasty to someone , and losing him in the darkness as he dashed down a cobbled mews .
15 On Dec. 2 the newly elected acting Lithuanian President Algirdas Brazauskas [ see p. 39205 ] issued a decree appointing Deputy Premier Bronislovas Lubys as the country 's new Prime Minister and charging him with the formation of a Cabinet .
16 Knowing how the crowd was on Tony 's side and treating him as the hero only seemed to make Lee more determined .
17 She waited until he stabbed at her then , using her left forearm to block his wrist , she followed up by slamming the heel of her right hand against his chin and kneeing him in the groin .
18 ‘ Do you know this face ? ’ said Isambard , turning Harry about in his hands to display him to them all , and taking him by the chin to jerk up his face to the light when he turned it haughtily aside .
19 ‘ Follow me and no harm will come to thy sheep ’ , the Emperor replied , and taking him by the hand led him into a cave in the side of the mountain .
20 The prosecution say that following an armed robbery at a building society near Gloucester in 1988 White had been due to give evidence against Gardiner and implicating him in the crime .
21 It invariably ended with Uncle Titch pretending to get cross with the clown on stilts and chasing him along the street on his fat little legs and trying to kick him up the bum and falling over backwards .
22 ‘ Mummy , I want Mummy , ’ hitting him and butting him in the stomach with her head , like a little goat .
23 Mrs Diggory took refuge in scolding the dog and dragging him off the bed .
24 A central medallion depicts the hero grasping Antaeus and lifting him above the ground to sap his power .
25 We could n't hear what was being said but the large man was bending over Bogie 's table and poking him in the chest .
26 The wounded bird plummeted to earth like a dive-bomber , its beak piercing G. F. Westerby 's chest and pinning him to the ground .
27 Lee was behind him , holding on to the back of his anorak and bumping him with the torch .
28 ANEW study of the poet of Xanadu and The Ancient Mariner has won the Whitbread Biography of the Year prize , earning its author £1,750 and leaving him in the field for the Book of the Year £20,250 prize , to be announced on January 24 .
29 In the case of the elder James Stephen 's commitment to antislavery , it came after the experience of working in the West Indies as a lawyer , but more precisely , that experience helped direct into antislavery the expression of his gratitude ‘ for the infinite mercy of God ’ in extricating him from the depths of sin brought on by sexual passion and setting him on the path of prosperity and happiness .
30 ‘ Come in , ’ she said , stepping back and waving him into the flat .
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