Example sentences of "and [was/were] [v-ing] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As the sun went down over the trees , everyone in the squadron had enjoyed a hard day 's military training and , after a good dinner and some well-deserved beers , they were very happy and were looking forward to the challenges of the next day .
2 Long before they had passed the watershed and were looking over into the jaws of the mountains at the head of Loch Morar , young Angus felt he had strayed into a foreign country .
3 We climbed down to his fishing boat and were pushing off against the stonework .
4 Thus Harwell scientists were , in effect , now able to ‘ look inside ’ ZETA and were learning more about the behaviour of the plasma .
5 Some of the dogs , too , had slithered down from the bank and were swimming out towards the boar .
6 People had been very cold and were sloshing about in the mud from the day before .
7 They had raised themselves but still remained crouched , and were moving slowly by the hedge towards the tree , when once again Martin 's attention was brought round to the strip of woodland , not by a noise this time , but by a strange feeling of impending danger .
8 The Elms had moved forward in their stolid fashion and were leaning ponderously over the tortured Balor .
9 He doffed his cap as we marched past , and a few paces further on we negotiated the turn and were heading back along the road on the other side of the village green towards the saluting base .
10 And now they had left the city behind and were heading out into the open country .
11 When the greetings and exclamations were over , they told me that they had been staying on Mull for a few days , and had just arrived on Moila , and were putting up at the post office with Mrs McDougall .
12 They had climbed out of the dunes and were walking now along the canal bank towards the pill-box and the Lock gates .
13 They had soon left the Circle behind and were climbing steadily into the hills to the north , their horses ' hoofs turning stones underneath the snow , straining on the steeper parts .
14 She turned to find that the Doctor , Francis and Elaine had followed her , and were staring glumly at the fourfold choice of paths .
15 The fundamental problem faced by US business was that rivals in Europe and Japan were accumulating capital at a far faster rate ( figure 10.4 ) and were doing so on the basis of far lower wage costs ( table 10.5 ) .
16 So , for many years , the couple made their living as hired help , and were doing so at the time of the film 's success .
17 It struck me that Taff no longer used his favourite cuss words , like the four-letter variety , and was sticking strictly to the bloodys with the very often repeated ‘ Jesus Christ . ’
18 Benny reddened at the stares , but Nan had left the two admirers and was bounding up to the back row .
19 She read it idiotically at least three times , until she 'd convinced herself there was no hidden psychological message in the bare statement of fact , and then realised that someone had just come in the front door of the flat and was moving around in the hall .
20 Harry had come into the lower doorway at the right time , and was moving up between the tables to take his normal place among the young fellows of knightly family , his peers .
21 David Paul McKnight ( 27 ) , of Juniper Park was said by his solicitor at Craigavon Crown Court to be ‘ a virtual alcoholic ’ and was drinking heavily at the time of the offences on January 4 .
22 Danny could barely contain himself and was pointing excitedly to the funfair on the spare ground on the far side of the factory .
23 Before he completed the sentence Carrie had tumbled from the bed and was limping rapidly from the room , in a state of total nakedness .
24 Well , at about half-seven he 'd gone into a restaurant in St Giles ‘ , Browns ; had a nice steak , with a bottle of red wine ; left at about half-nine — and was strolling down to The Randolph when he 'd met Mrs Sheila Williams , just outside the Taylorian , as she was making for the taxi-rank .
25 The Eighth Army had suffered a crushing defeat and was digging in along the Alamein line , only sixty miles to the west of the Nile .
26 Putting the ‘ corpse ’ down , she gave up and was gazing sadly at the small body when , about two minutes after its ‘ death ’ , it suddenly took a few very deep breaths and started to move about .
27 There was a rather stagy photograph of the man who 'd written the article casting on a shingle beach ; in a companion photo , he 'd set up a three-rod line and was gazing mistily over the breakers .
28 She was coming along the opposite pavement on foot and was looking up at the buildings as if she were not sure of being in the right street .
29 Not only has that disc problem proved frustrating , but so has the inactivity temporarily imposed by a series of exploratory tests to assess the damage : ‘ Having been injured in the second tour match against Queensland I got back to full fitness , played in the First Test and was looking forward to the second .
30 At the time , Goldman had granted put options to companies controlled by Robert Maxwell and was buying heavily in the market to be able to fulfil its obligations .
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