Example sentences of "and [was/were] [verb] [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Blox had run the whisker pole to maximum height on its track , suspended it from the main halyard , and were swinging on it from the pulpit far out over the harbour and letting go .
2 They had checked Angela 's diary for the two weeks before she had gone missing and were talking to everyone in it . ’
3 The third report I know of came from the Johannesburg Sunday Times of 14 February , 1982 , and was sent to me by a medical colleague .
4 She lived at New Houses , and was related to me in a mixed up kind of way — her father and my grandmother were cousins , but what that made me to Miss Bayles I can not imagine !
5 But , we know that April was a low figure , we also know that July and August are low a figure which comes out from this graph and was given to me by the director yesterday , is a genuine average which is turning out to be between a hundred and a hundred and ten placements per month twelve hundred to fourteen hundred placements per year a thr over a three year average residency period three thousand six hundred to four thousand two hundred placements in residential care , where then is the real problem .
6 The museum began as a purely private collection by Gian Giacomo Poldi-Pezzoli in the last half of the nineteenth-century and was given by him to the city when he died in 1879 .
7 It was bought by the first buyers for the purpose of reselling in smaller quantities to be compounded into food for cattle and poultry and was resold by them for compounding into pig and poultry food .
8 In its aftermath Mrs Thatcher apparently took greater care to consult the Cabinet more fully and was overruled by it on the proposed sale of British Leyland to the US-based General Motors .
9 The younger James Stephen in essays in the Edinburgh Review in 1838 and 1843 , later republished and expanded in Essays in Ecclesiastical Biography ( 1849 ) , took up the tradition of abolitionist historical writing on antislavery and was joined in it by his younger brother , Sir George Stephen , with Anti-Slavery Recollections ( 1854 ) .
10 Smythson stayed on in the service of the Willoughby family , and was employed by them on administrative and financial business , as well as as a surveyor .
11 The Collector had pulled a grey handkerchief from his pocket to mop his brow and was gazing at it with pleasure , thinking again that he was a simple man at heart .
12 She had her back to the entrance of the garden and was looking across it at a small orchard whose fruit never found its way to the rector 's table , always being pilfered by the small street arabs of the district .
13 She greeted the proprietor in her careful Italian and was welcomed by him in his careful English .
14 The cabinet was spotted by a runner in a garage in Vienna and was bought by him for £70,000 .
15 He was wearing a burgundy-coloured bomber jacket and jeans and was thought to me in his mid to late teens .
16 Charlotte had found something that Emily had written , and was talking to her about it .
17 She did n't know any of the names ; she smiled and shook hands and was passed from one to the other like a parcel .
18 Deputy McDaid had given alibi evidence at Clarke 's successful challenge to an extradition order and was photographed with him at his homecoming celebrations in Letterkenny .
19 Its prince was to be elected by the Bulgarians , confirmed by Turkey with the assent of the powers , and was to belong to none of the great reigning houses of Europe .
20 Even if no tax has been paid , you need to issue a P60 if the employee has paid contributions and was working for you on 5th April .
21 Joe followed his mother into the room , and they stood looking at Martin , who had his back to the empty grate now and was staring at them as if he was n't seeing them .
22 Ben had stood up , facing it , and was staring at it in his usual intent manner .
23 What is the true story of the Japanese businessman who returned a stolen Impressionist painting to France and was decorated for it by President Mitterrand on the occasion of the reopening of the Louvre a few years ago ?
24 Of the two doctors it was undoubtedly Dr Dunstaple who had the largest number of adherents ; he had been the civil surgeon in Krishnapur for some years and was known to everyone as a kindly and paternal man .
25 At the far end of the yard the Duke had planted his branch in the ground and was sitting under it like a potentate .
26 He looked up to see the restaurant door slam and was left with nothing but a whiff of her perfume .
27 In the same year Giovanni Animuccia ( C. 1500–1571 ) , who succeeded Palestrina as master of the Cappella Giuliana in 1555 and was succeeded by him in 1571 , described his First Book of Masses as composed ‘ seconda la forma del Concilio di Trento ’ , and Vincenzo Ruffo ( c. 1510–1587 ) of Milan Cathedral explained in the dedication of his book of Masses ‘ according to the Milan rite ’ ( 1570 ) that he had composed them on Borromeo 's instructions ‘ ex sancti tridentini Concilii decreto ’ .
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