Example sentences of "and [was/were] [verb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It welcomed the new ideas in La Fille Mal Gardée because the characters portrayed were familiar and were living in the farms and vineyards .
2 The team had reached the pancreatitis patient and were closeted behind the curtains .
3 Such headdresses denoted accomplished warriors and were adopted from the Plains tribes .
4 Several minor deities had drifted up and were kibitzing over the shoulders of the players .
5 Three of them had serious face and hand burns and were transferred to the burns unit of Glasgow Royal Infirmary .
6 Leicester , one of the better teams in the division , made only one significant mistake and were mugged of the points by resourceful opponents who did not make any .
7 Released in September 1926 , following the defeat of the general strike , he organized national hunger marches in 1929 , 1932 , and 1934 , which were largely ostracized by the Labour movement and were harassed by the police , sometimes leading to violence .
8 To commit our cause to God , and especially to pray for those who had been trapped in France and were hurrying to the beaches of Dunkirk .
9 In the halls of power Cistercians became papal confessors and were used by the popes as legates and preachers .
10 They were immensely hairy , had breasts that hung down at least a yard and were used by the males as beasts of burden .
11 For your information , the ‘ scum ’ whom you 'd like to ban from Levellers gigs to let the ‘ genuine ’ fans in are more than likely friends of the band and were going to the gigs before you .
12 For your information , the ‘ scum ’ whom you 'd like to ban from Levellers gigs to let the ‘ genuine ’ fans in are more than likely friends of the band and were going to the gigs before you .
13 Utd Shirts and were spotted by the lads ‘ Scum ’ , Scum' !
14 There they staged a sit-down and were batoned by the police .
15 Both Greene and Cloke were jeered as they passed the post and cries of ‘ cheats ’ greeted them as they rode their mounts back to the unsaddling enclosure and were hauled before the stewards .
16 keith richardson says that most people thought Gloucester were going to lose but it was a great win … they looked like a different side and played exceptionally well and were lifted by the supporters
17 Dustsheets covered all the furniture and were draped over the pictures stacked against the wall .
18 They were by now in Piccadilly Circus , which was as bright as day , and were surrounded by the crowds streaming from the theatres , cafés and dives which populated the area , painted ladies of a certain character being prominent among them — as well as the enthusiastic amateurs who had come up from the East End to make a few pennies , or even be given supper , as a price for their favours .
19 The earliest known glass mirrors date back to Greco-Roman times , and were found in the tombs at Arsinoe in Egypt .
20 People were getting up out of their seats and were jiving in the aisles .
21 All of these groups were rooted in social relationships , and were initiated by the children because they found it useful and enjoyable to work together .
22 Or it may have been that the shares were not purchased but were subscribed for and were issued to the investors by Euramco .
23 There they made him sing them a song and were enchanted by the noises which came out .
24 Of the 127 seats at stake ( one through a by-election ) , 77 were in 47 prefectural districts , where candidates were chosen by name , while the remaining 50 were in the national constituency and were allocated between the parties on the basis of proportional representation .
25 These spaces were commissioned by their respective rulers and were chosen by the authors to illustrate the art produced and the ideology disseminated by three distinctive types of regime : civic republic , princely court and ‘ triumphalist ’ state .
26 Thus the case was presented on the footing that the documents concerned had come into being and were held by the solicitors for their client as the result of a suspected intent by a third party to use them for the purpose of furthering his criminal activity .
27 The 1956 Olympics at the MCG were opened by a president of MCC , Prince Philip , and were dominated by the likes of Kuts , Cuthbert , Devitt and Fraser .
28 Certainly we know from Pope Gregory 's instructions that temples existed and were reused by the Christians .
29 BRITAIN 'S MINERS DO vital job in gruelling conditions but when they went on strike they sacrificed all their earnings and were attacked by the police .
30 Wool , beef , dairy products , and cereals became more and more commercial sources of wealth , as opposed to providing for local self-sufficiency , and were concentrated in the areas most suited to their cheap production .
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