Example sentences of "and [vb infin] [pron] [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If Saint Winifred did indeed conceive and decree her departure with the wagon for Ramsey , and if a saint 's plans can not be disrupted by man , then surely she must also have willed all that happened after … the ambush by outlaws , the theft of the cart and team , the abandonment of the load , and with it , her reliquary , to be found by my tenants , and brought to me here .
2 Most pilots do not instinctively look across and compare their height with the trees unless they have been taught to do so , and more often than not a pilot will try to judge by angles and positioning alone .
3 Quite apart from the threat of legal proceedings from sect appointed lawyers , he also had Deputy Commissioner Elrick eagerly awaiting the slightest slip on his part , to pounce and nail his ass to the wall with a disciplinary hearing .
4 Howard realised the importance of avoiding walking barefoot in public places such as swimming pools or on other people 's carpets , so he decided to walk barefoot on grass and on the beach whenever possible , or simply to sit outside and expose his feet to the elements .
5 Big Bill A Labour peer has put forward 400 amendments to the Maastrich Treaty Bill to try and slow its progress through the Lords Star better : Coronation Street star Lynne Perrie , 62 , who plays Ivy Brennan , is improving in a Salford hospital after collapsing four days ago .
6 On Friday , Paula , whose writing emphasises the sound of language , demonstrated how she uses electronic technology to project and enhance her voice during the performance of her work .
7 Instead of being taken for granted as a set of explanatory standards which will bolster and enhance our understanding of the social world , individualism may appear to offer only a narrow and distorting lens through which to inspect it .
8 She had not time to dress and make her way to the Casa Guidi .
9 For a minute longer father and son stood watching as the boat was rowed almost noiselessly out to sea ; and they were just about to return and make their way up the passage to the house when the sound of falling stones broke the silence of the night .
10 ‘ I have a tremendous fundamental urge to get out and make my way in the world .
11 The aim will then be to encourage the family to try and modify their interactions within the therapy session , before practising this at home .
12 To the sceptical , it helped to justify and explain our involvement in the inquiry .
13 We suggest that this sort of service led by fully trained clinical psychologists who are able to evaluate and adapt their approach to the particular needs of general practice should be explored further .
14 Though the fundamentals of cash planning remained , the Treasury had to adapt and refine its strategy through the 1980s in response to the pressure it was under to remain ahead of the game ( Thain and Wright , 1990 ) .
15 You should regularly filter and funnel your information into a single set of notes .
16 The physiotherapist , dietitian or hospital chaplain should explain and discuss their contributions to the total care of the patient .
17 The company 's next step is to try and boost its profile in an established market dominated by big-name players .
18 In a further indication of the desire among party members to see an end to the public attacks , David Clark , the convener of Motherwell North SNP — which includes the Mossend branch — called on the party to unite and concentrate its attacks on the Conservatives and Labour .
19 To achieve this , it needs healthy , long-lived customers who can purchase and enjoy its products in a society which considers drinking to be socially acceptable .
20 Would n't It be better , Nathaniel , to let us all relax and enjoy our expedition for a few weeks ?
21 It will provide an opportunity for us to explain and present our plans for the development of the community health service as an NHS Trust . ’
22 Producers learned to build records on a more open plan , to stretch out and pace their music to the more leisurely , indulgent mood of the club crowd . ’
23 Bowyer 's and Southgate 's conversation about the coming hunt faltered and died as I went to stand and warm my backside against the fire .
24 The temptation to switch off and bluff my way through the rest of this review never once raised its ugly head .
25 You ca n't just sit there and munch their biscuits without a single bloody word !
26 I mean I 'll go out and do my bit in the way I know how and I leave him behind .
27 ‘ I must go and do my duty as a host for what 's left of the night . ’
28 He should have told Cottee to go and do his talking on the park and perhaps tried to change the team plan to assist his strike-force ( if that 's the right word ) .
29 These parties of mine have become something of an institution , and I am expecting a large number of people to come in and give their comments on the results in various constituencies .
30 Whatever may happen in the future , it is clear from the Lincolnshire experience that the introduction of Local Management of Schools has provided support staff with an unprecedented opportunity to define and evaluate their contribution to the effectiveness of the school , with a consequent increase in job satisfaction and self-esteem .
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