Example sentences of "and [to-vb] [noun pl] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 To counter this unwelcome threat to its monopoly of Cleveleys traffic , Blackpool offered to run a bus service — its first — from Thornton Station to Cleveleys and to carry goods along the tramroad from Fleetwood to Cleveleys .
2 The committee agreed to urge the Scottish Office to progress as soon as possible and to continue talks on the role of the public sector in the new bridge and its future management .
3 She says that in the future , in addition to her current activities , she wants to learn to read and write and to plant flowers in the garden .
4 Already , a number of lawyers , employers and medical researchers from the US , Europe and Britain have been telephoning Australia to find out more about the judgment and to request copies of the ruling .
5 The objective is to orient students to relevant literatures , to suggest a variety of possible methodologies to be employed , and to inform students of the specialist educational resources available in the different departments in the region .
6 I agree also that it is absurd to suggest that there is anything wrong with national testing of pupils ' progress at certain ages , both to inform parents and to inform localities about the performance of their schools .
7 It is a place to be warm , a place to be dry , a place to hang up my jacket and to pull faces at the storm outside .
8 Thus , the AMA argues , the Fifth Amendment ‘ requires that prices must be set at a level that permits any enterprise , including a physician 's medical practice , to operate successfully , to maintain its financial integrity , to attract capital , and to compensate investors for the risk assumed ’ .
9 There was pressure upon it , as there was then on teacher training institutions generally , to expand numbers rapidly and to attract numbers by the provision of a wide range of possible options .
10 The Foreign Office stressed that Britain was continuing to focus its ‘ substantial ’ efforts to fly aid into the Bosnian capital Sarajevo and to escort convoys on the ground .
11 The jumble of different contents suggests a double motive in keeping the book : to remind him of past happiness and to provide ideas for the future .
12 An expert system , in basic terms , contains three main elements : a knowledge-base ( rules and facts provided by experts ) , an inference engine ( a computer program which manipulates the knowledge-base and applies it to a particular problem ) and a user interface to make the system " user-friendly " and to provide explanations of the reasoning adopted and advice given by the expert system .
13 However , all but three of the 36 liaison group schools collaborated with the research team throughout by continuing to trial packages of materials sent to them and to provide facilities for the research team to visit the schools .
14 She produced much better X-ray patterns , and , by introducing methods to control and vary the water content of the specimens , she was able to show that the DNA molecule could exist in two forms ( A and B ) , and to define conditions for the transition between them .
15 The Declaration of Puntarenas contained joint commitments to ( i ) strengthen the mandate given to the Central American Security Commission in Antigua , Guatemala [ see p. 37526 ] , on arms limitation and troop numbers while recognising the " specific tasks " of armed forces in supporting the civilian authorities for the implementation of " social and environmental protection programmes " ; ( ii ) to establish a five-member committee of eminent Central American civilians appointed by " national reconciliation commissions " to verify the political commitments made as part of the Esquipulas II or " Arias " peace process [ see pp. 35440-42 ] , and to seek multilateral and bilateral support to establish an Association for Democracy and Development in Central America to promote regional peace , democracy and economic development ; ( iii ) to build on the progress made under the Economic Action Plan for Central America ( PAECA ) [ see p. 37526 ] , extended by the UN General Assembly for three more years , in order to realize a Central American common market ; ( iv ) to begin talks on a comprehensive Central American customs and tariffs policy by March 31 and to have a regional " anti-dumping code " in place by Dec. 31 , 1991 , and an effective and uniform custom and tariffs system by Dec. 31 , 1992 ; and ( v ) to persuade multilateral lending agencies to promote increased regional development and integration programmes , to write off significant portions of debt and reschedule the remainder in line with the " economic realities " of the region 's countries and to simplify mechanisms for the negotiation of and disbursement of future loans .
16 The deaf and dumb are anxious to help each other and this they do through the pension fund and their Association , through efforts made to arouse public interest and to initiate steps for the formation of local societies and missions in neglected areas .
17 Subject to these limitations , any partner will have implied authority to sell the goods of the firm , receive payments of the firm 's debts and give receipts for them and to engage employees for the firm 's business .
18 As such , care programming can be seen as an attempt to standardize mental health service delivery and to set norms for the administration of care for people with a certain level of dependency .
19 An agreement reached with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) announced on May 10 was expected to release new credits and to create conditions for the rescheduling of the US$50,000 million debt [ see p. 37222 ] .
20 Trades Unions have the expertise to deal with this , and to tackle employers in the event of such a case arising .
21 I hope to visit relevant training programmes in the Philippines and Southern Africa , where possible participating as a trainee , in order to learn from the experience of those who have been undertaking this work for some years ; and to identify elements in the training processes which may be transferrable or adaptable to a UK situation .
22 The priorities are to achieve a national consensus on the need for change , to establish a programme for dealing with factors which may cause adverse effects and to select criteria for the allocation of available resources .
23 Police would be allowed to use undercover operations and to tap telephones in the course of anti-Mafia investigations .
24 If conservationists manage to save the leopard , bobcat and alerce , they may lose some of the battles that will be fought over dozens of other issues including proposals to increase protection for hair seals and whales , to decrease protection for Nile and saltwater crocodiles , and to weaken controls in the trade in ivory and sea turtles .
25 In many countries the stated role of the state archive is to record the history of the state , and to give members of the public access to information necessary for them to undertake their responsibilities , duties and rights as citizens .
26 It is clear from the derivation of the canonical form that it is conventional , but not necessary , to put equal eigenvalues in groups , and to put units in the superdiagonal .
27 A strong impulse must exist within the personality for this kind of repetition to occur , and one of a new kind , for the unconscious worked according to the pleasure principle , and always sought to avoid painful experiences and to reduce tensions of the kind that these dreamers were reproducing for themselves when asleep .
28 From April 7 to 25 Aylwin and Finance Minister Alejandro Foxley visited west European capitals , seeking to reassure potential investors about Chile 's future political stability , and to reduce barriers to the import of Chilean goods to the European market .
29 LMS , appraisal systems and governing body involvements compound the demands of heads to remove themselves from the classrooms , and to dictate instructions down the line .
30 This month its old-guard steering committee decided a better constitution would include annual meetings by the assembly , and powers for it to initiate laws and to veto bills from the legislature .
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