Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The role of the museum is to present the collection in a fresh way , both showing unfamiliar paintings and hanging them in natural light ’ .
2 It seems right to see Hubble 's greatness in recognising splendid opportunities and pursuing them with utmost devotion and superb vision .
3 Then steam or boil the vegetables in a small amount of salted water , before draining and tossing them in melted butter .
4 By adopting such beliefs and applying them to contemporary society both found sustenance in elitist moral and ethical beliefs which were far removed from contemporary reality .
5 It involved thrusting a lighted taper into little glass jars and applying them in great haste to Jean-Claude 's back , which would bubble up under them in balloons of skin .
6 She had always tried to emulate Isabelle , too , in buying the best clothes she could afford , and keeping them in pristine condition , making sure she was well-groomed at all times .
7 It may be noticed that insensibility both to moral appeals and to appeals to one 's future interests , imprisonment within both ‘ I ’ and ‘ Now ’ , are often combined in the same person , and that the combination is widely accepted as the strongest criterion for classing him as ‘ psychopathic ’ and exempting him from moral judgment .
8 Now , as she prepared to close the window , the robin returned , standing only inches from her hand and eyeing her with great deliberation , his tiny head cocked to one side and his bright eyes glinting in the sunshine .
9 His head went back and he laughed at her mutinous expression , the glint in his eyes deepening , before leaning forward again and addressing her with quiet insistence .
10 The company has since made a remarkable recovery by clearing out its middle management ranks and replacing them with semi-autonomous work teams .
11 He worked frantically to help the casualties , tearing up what was left of his linen for bandages and soaking them in olive oil and wax to apply to bums .
12 Toddler walks with her had been a superhuman test of patience as she squatted by every puddle , slowly stirring the water with sticks , and picked up myriads of stones , tenderly brushing them free of earth and inserting them with infinite laboriousness into pockets already grinding with pebbles .
13 All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the faith and correcting error , for re-setting the direction of man 's life and training him in good living .
14 Mr Healy claimed that Down District Council was in danger of spending grant aid and ratepayers ' money on a high risk tourist venture and confusing it with economic development .
15 They were all out in the courtyard , and the evening sun was slanting low golden shafts of colour from the west , catching the windows of the ancient palace and turning them to molten copper .
16 ‘ It works by cooling the liquid slag with a water jet and turning it into granulated slag .
17 Back to nursing events are not new but are a valuable means of locating nurses and interesting them in current health issues .
18 Even whilst developing the modern immaterialist notion of consciousness , the eighteenth-century empiricists and others were attacking the dignity of intellect and assimilating it to sensory activity by treating thoughts as mere images .
19 It is worth photocopying the more useful reading lists , and filing them in classified order in a pamphlet bibliography collection .
20 The Capitulary of Thionville in 805 , for instance , forbids usury , the kind of usury which involved buying cheap corn in quantity and selling it at excessive profit in times of scarcity .
21 Registry staff must be able to process information without introducing delays , whether it is receiving data from a student and subsequently providing an updated record for that student or taking a request from a lecturer for a list and providing it at short notice or processing an offer made by an admissions tutor so that the candidate hears from PCAS as quickly as possible .
22 Common methods of ink sharing include embedding ink in existing documents , files or databases and sending it via electronic mail ; providing clipboard operations ; and supporting inter-application transfers .
23 What is envisaged here is a ‘ pincer movement ’ for democratising the operations of large multidivisional enterprises and subjecting them to popular accountability .
24 But that is another way of saying the ring can not be seen , measured , touched or heard by picking up the bell and sniffing it , weighing it and subjecting it to chemical analysis .
25 The dandelion is equally dependable , opening its flowers in the morning and closing them in late afternoon .
26 But , the lessons are more subtle than the direct borrowing of the approach and importing it into different service sectors .
27 Mr Quarmby describes himself as going ‘ cap in hand to the recording companies and asking them for advance rental income ’ .
28 Alright , what 's happening now , is that we 're taking resources away from those efficient sectors and giving it to inefficient agriculture .
29 So , in effect , the SAM works by taking an enormous number of individual measurements of acoustic reflectivity and converting them to equivalent light and dark dots on a TV screen where they can be seen by the human eye .
30 ‘ How much is really saved by reducing a species to a handful of survivors and banishing them to glorified captivity ?
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