Example sentences of "and [v-ing] [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The process of extracting the silver involved smelting the ore , purifying the crude lead and recovering silver from the soft metal , notably by means of the cupellation process .
2 This provides proof-printing facilities as well as general review and editing facilities through the terminal screen .
3 Yet I found that the breadth of my Scottish education stood me in good stead in the work of assessing and editing material from the whole agenda of a serious newspaper .
4 Everything here speaks of aristocratic good taste from the comfortable sitting and drawing rooms to the book-lined walls of the library .
5 It unites fragments of a classical past with the geometry of modern life , the latter co-existing and drawing strength from the humane vision of the former .
6 Formerly a teacher in the junior school of Donaldsons 's School for the Deaf in Edinburgh and a tutor to the support service for students in Further Education , her principal tasks were organising the BDA 's own education programme making and maintaining contacts with the various educational establishments for deaf students and acting as spokesperson on all educational matters .
7 The Wind and Surf exhibition ( 19 to 21 April ) signals the beginning of the main windsurfing and surfing season on the 250 acres of lakes at Thorpe Park , Surrey .
8 On Nov. 13 the UN World Food Programme ( WFP ) announced a massive humanitarian food plan for Iraq , the first consignment of which involved the despatch of 15,000 tonnes of wheat and cooking oil for the Kurdish population .
9 And you went down the high street and you turned sharp left and went along Dock Street and circling supermarket at the bottom end of town
10 Some are service agencies providing painting and decorating , gardening and catering services to the local community ; others have developed workshops which concentrate on one business activity — baking , furniture renovation and picture-framing are examples .
11 Table 2.1 gives additional information about these two broad industrial areas , showing that it is in the retail trade and the hotels and catering industry in the first of these , and public administration , education , medical services , " other services to the public " , recreational and cultural services and personal services in the second , where the proportion of temporary workers is greatest and/or where an important share of the temporary workforce is to be found .
12 In Europe , for example , the removal of temperate forest began more than 5 kyr BP when permanent agricultural systems replaced the hunting and gathering strategies of the mesolithic period ( sections 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 ) ; and has continued ever since , though post-war afforestation policies have redressed the balance to some extent ( section 8.2 ) .
13 At the moment John Cleese is in full sail , way ahead of the field , confident , at ease , and gathering energy for the next thing .
14 But four main factors are singled out by Chris Green for the currently greatly improved outlook : the record investment currently being made , at the end of 1989 amounting to an astonishing million pounds a day ; the success of the Networker train whose carriages in 1989 were being delivered at the rate of one a day ; the enormous level of London station development both enhancing the environment ( who at the start of the 1980s would have thought of treating a terminus as a shopping precinct ? ) and producing revenue on the grand scale ; and the steady introduction of Integrated Electronic Control Centres ( discussed in detail in the signalling chapter ) .
15 Then , on Monday mornings when peak power is needed , a huge volume of water is released all at once , washing away the Canyon 's beaches and wreaking havoc on the fragile riverside environment .
16 Victoria continued to wear handed-down Liberty dresses from Aunt Rose 's daughters , and wasting money by the excessive use of electric light , hot water or heating appliances was a vice which Pamela rigorously discouraged in children and servants .
17 During the afternoon meeting , several breaks were called to allow discussions between the various groupings to examine the three motions on the table : a strong attack on the MPs , calling on the executive not to endorse their actions ; a motion regretting their action , and the successful statement welcoming the concession wrung out of the Westminster system and pledging support for the parliamentary group .
18 The Prime Minister would be most welcome to visit the Wallsend part of North Tyneside where he would have an opportunity to visit Swan Hunter and see a dedicated work force , a dedicated management and , above all , the pride of the people in Wallsend in building and refitting ships for the Royal Navy .
19 May I also take this opportunity to wish the new United Nations Secretary-General success in his efforts to prepare recommendations for improvement in the preventative diplomacy , peacemaking and peacekeeping capacities of the United Nations ?
20 But what is then especially interesting is that the cultural process of including and incorporating areas of the oral culture into printed forms is very complex indeed , and in some important respects contradictory .
21 Systems such as HARPY have tried to alleviate these problems by relying heavily on the properties of finite state grammars , applying all higher level knowledge constraints simultaneously through pre-compiled knowledge networks , and delaying decisions about the correct acoustic-phonetic interpretation until the end of the utterance .
22 ‘ Q-shed ’ was once the warehouse and booking office for the much-loved P. & A. Campbell pleasure steamers , Today , a wide range of exciting and dynamic events and activities frequently changed are held here .
23 The rampant sexism of the climbing and walking fraternity over the last 50 years has left a whole generation of older women with the legacy of being expected to have the white-bearded , old sod 's tea ready for him on the table when he comes home from a fabulous day out on the hills .
24 There 's usually some , some mums who are meeting the school and and walking dogs at the same time .
25 He says , ‘ My mind was much to the place as soon as it was described to me , because it was a full congregation … an ignorant , rude and revelling people for the greater part , who had need of preaching , and yet had among them a small company of converts , who were humble , godly and of good conversations , and not much hated by the rest , and therefore fitter to assist their teacher ; but above all , because they hardly ever had any lively , serious preaching among them .
26 The development of British industry in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries opened up new avenues for achieving success and becoming part of the upper strata .
27 It 's out with the old hairdressers , the cliff-edge guitar posturing , the in-stadium clips of religious fandemonium , and in with pumpingpop bass-lines , strutting down mean urban streets and becoming part of the real world .
28 Royal Doulton and Wedgwood are to produce the tableware for the restaurant and banqueting facilities at the new Queens Moat House ( QMH ) hotel in Stoke-on-Trent , Staffordshire .
29 Marketing Glasgow as a premier business location involved a major advertising campaign , using the generic Glasgow 's Alive theme and tackling head on the negative images of ‘ No Mean City ’ .
30 The small , frightened freedoms that we enjoy are underpinned by a global system that requires that they be paid for by rigorous and intensifying dispossession of the poor of the earth , the destruction of the resource-base , the ousting of indigenous peoples who happen to occupy the last remaining deposits of ‘ raw materials ’ to which the global market now stakes its superior claim .
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