Example sentences of "and [vb past] down [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She hurried next door to get the spare one she always left with her neighbour , then let herself inside and sank down wearily on the bottom of the stairs .
2 He leapt up the steps , grabbed his valise and hastened down again to the truck .
3 She had her own meal early , around six , then watched some television on the set she had in her room , and came down later for a chat with the family when everyone was feeling relaxed .
4 ‘ Come on you bastard , ’ she shouted and pressed down hard on the gas .
5 When we reached the road we stopped and looked down again at the little house .
6 She rose to her feet , and looked down again at the rolling hillside covered with fruit and vegetables , with grazing goats , sheep and chickens .
7 Leithen and I stopped at the top of the hill and looked down again into the little green valley .
8 Dunbar came picking his way between the debris and the fallen , and looked down calmly upon the son and successor of his old enemy .
9 Theodora wiped her hands on the damp grass and lay down again beneath the currant bushes .
10 Stefan , perhaps you would be good enough to arrange for them to be collected from my apartment in Vienna and brought down here for the wardrobe woman . ’
11 This waistcoat had flap-pockets and reached down almost to the knees : it was fastened right up to the neck with horse-shoe buttons , leaving just enough space for the red-spotted muffler or wrapper to be seen underneath .
12 When he 'd finished , the attendant stuck the chamois leather in his belt with a flourish and leaned down again to the driver 's window .
13 I had a drink of water as my throat was hurting , picked up Dorothy Wordsworth 's Journals and sat down thankfully in an easy chair .
14 ‘ I live here with my two daughters , ’ the man said and sat down carefully in an armchair beside the columns .
15 I stumbled back and sat down heavily on the plinth , then staggered upright and pulled my cords back up .
16 One policeman tripped over a litter-bin and sat down heavily in the gutter .
17 As he neared it , he suddenly stopped , staggered and sat down abruptly on a chair , leaning forward and holding his head in his hands .
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