Example sentences of "and [vb past] in the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Clare had planned so often the details of her own wedding , so often pictured herself , radiant in a long , white dress with train , leaning on her father 's arm , advancing with a slow , fragile step down the aisle towards Mark , handsome and smiling in morning dress , while the organ pealed and the candles and flowers blazed , and the guests beamed and whispered in the crowded pews — that she felt a surge of pity for the girl who would have nothing to remember but this sordid little ceremony .
2 All that is most sensible and clearheaded in the Catholic church will meet in Rome on May 17 to celebrate the beatification of Mgr Josemaria Escriva ( 1902–1975 ) who founded Opus Dei , the unecstatic religious movement which may yet save Christianity from the sex therapists .
3 These deposits are then borrowed and lent in the usual way .
4 Champagne was already on ice , and best crystal glasses shimmered and winked in the fading sunlight .
5 The industrial machine that we have followed so far has been the philosophies of the Enlightenment embodied and incarnated in the economic mode of capitalism .
6 Swifts jinked and swooped in the enclosed space with the grace of dolphins .
7 Outside , the bright lights and multicoloured signs blinked and gleamed in the cold darkness .
8 It dipped and fluttered in the chilly air , its wings drab and flaky .
9 Despite the ominous row of trespassing hatchbacks , we saw nobody on the ridge at all , and luxuriated in the surprising solitude that one should n't expect so near a town like Fort William , which grows more like a Highland Gorbals every day .
10 It 's a word we use to talk about masses of undifferentiated humanity — like buying a pound of whitebait for your supper , rather than , say , 341 little silver fishes that once frisked and swam in the dappled depths of the ocean .
11 It 's a word we use to talk about masses of undifferentiated humanity — like buying a pound of whitebait for your supper , rather than , say , 341 little silver fishes that once frisked and swam in the dappled shallows of the ocean .
12 They 'd danced to Michael 's band and her glossy pink trousers flashed and moved in the dimmed lights , and he had felt elated and mildly drunk , and had lost most of the inhibitions he 'd had about dancing , until it became clear to his confused brain that the drummer , who had soft dark hair and was probably a potential Celtic supporter , was getting on so well with Amanda that perhaps they should move on elsewhere , and he swayed out of the room , pushing her in front of him , and bumped into someone at the door , and had realised it was the man in the raincoat , only he was in a dark suit and a tie with geometric designs .
13 Theodora made her way up the chancel , genuflected briefly and knelt in the silent pew , praying for ‘ the soul of thy servant , Paul , his family and all who worship here ’ .
14 Afterwards they went to a nightclub and danced and smooched in the smoky blackness , cleaning their throats from time to time with champagne .
15 As he turned towards the smokers ' seats , Loretta stopped and headed in the opposite direction .
16 In a discontinued action , the district judge has power , on taxation , to determine the scale of costs ( Ord 38 , r 4(7) ) and as to costs where an action is brought and tried in the High Court which could have been brought in the county court see s 19 .
17 In this capacity , he also established ties with the Government of Mozambique , and helped in the gradual process by which relations between Mozambique and the EEC were put on a more constructive basis .
18 We kept guard against the security forces and helped in the communal kitchen which was set up for the support committee .
19 They were then washed by centrifugation ( 300 g for 10 minutes ) and resuspended in the same buffer and fetal calf serum .
20 Procyclic trypanosomes were harvested in mid log phase , pelleted , washed once with Zimmerman 's Post Fusion Medium ( 27 ) , and resuspended in the same buffer at a concentration of 2.10 7 ml -1 .
21 By such standards both footballers and cricketers , provided they were among the minority who avoided injury and played in the first team , were quite well off for a few years .
22 The four youngsters — who went to school together and played in the same soccer team — died instantly .
23 Fascinated and repelled in the same moment she continued to watch the macabre spectacle despite herself , her lips parted , her eyes bright .
24 The couple worked at the same tasks as their staff , they dressed in the same way , educated their children at the same schools and ate in the same canteen .
25 Unconditional love is precisely what is given and received in the Anonymous Fellowships and the application of reality as the standard by which sufferers need to live serves gradually to clear away the confusion caused by addictive disease .
26 In the evening we drove into Chamonix and parked in the main street .
27 Asked by Crown counsel how Aindow had regained his balance , taken aim and fired in the short space of time available , the accused replied ‘ I do n't know ’ .
28 The system for investing students as or granting was thoroughly reformed and reorganized in the mid-sixteenth century , as mentioned below , but it existed in some form , difficult to define precisely , from well before that time .
29 In our first organic wheat crop , cut by scythe and stooked in the traditional manner , there was more weed seed , predominantly Garlic Pennycress , than grain .
30 But the equaliser was always on offer and arrived in the 73rd minute .
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