Example sentences of "and [vb past] in [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All that is most sensible and clearheaded in the Catholic church will meet in Rome on May 17 to celebrate the beatification of Mgr Josemaria Escriva ( 1902–1975 ) who founded Opus Dei , the unecstatic religious movement which may yet save Christianity from the sex therapists .
2 These deposits are then borrowed and lent in the usual way .
3 He touched her arm , beckoning her down to his glittering eyes , and asked in a rattled whisper , ‘ Miz Boss Lady , you like see Joy 's cock ? ’ and was nearly knocked over by her abrupt straightening .
4 But almost immediately , she resumed her composure and asked in a steady voice : ‘ Will you come up and see him ? ’
5 Champagne was already on ice , and best crystal glasses shimmered and winked in the fading sunlight .
6 The industrial machine that we have followed so far has been the philosophies of the Enlightenment embodied and incarnated in the economic mode of capitalism .
7 Swifts jinked and swooped in the enclosed space with the grace of dolphins .
8 The bones were mixed with sediment and tumbled in a rotary tumbler in three stages .
9 Eileen remembers Selina as a bubbly girl who helped to scrub the floors of the tourist office , made her own clothes and lived in a small cottage .
10 Ackroyd enjoyed a quiet bachelor life and lived in a small house by the crossing .
11 When I was a pine and lived in a cold climate
12 Funny because he was forty and not very clever and lived in an English suburb called Wimbledon .
13 He had no financial reserves , and lived in an unfashionable part of London .
14 Outside , the bright lights and multicoloured signs blinked and gleamed in the cold darkness .
15 It dipped and fluttered in the chilly air , its wings drab and flaky .
16 He looked a dangerous striker and got in a good header which I think you got to the right and got your hand to ?
17 One of the boys in question leaned forward and drawled in an upper-hive accent , ‘ Shame , having to hack off one 's pinkie to say sorry to one 's boss for a blunder .
18 Despite the ominous row of trespassing hatchbacks , we saw nobody on the ridge at all , and luxuriated in the surprising solitude that one should n't expect so near a town like Fort William , which grows more like a Highland Gorbals every day .
19 Joe Fitzgerald was so much older and moved in a different circle , and on the few occasions that Sarah had seen him he had shown no interest in her , but she liked him and knew that he enjoyed reading and poetry as much as she did .
20 Theodora made her way up the chancel , genuflected briefly and knelt in the silent pew , praying for ‘ the soul of thy servant , Paul , his family and all who worship here ’ .
21 Afterwards they went to a nightclub and danced and smooched in the smoky blackness , cleaning their throats from time to time with champagne .
22 He turned a corner and stopped in no small surprise .
23 Swan glided round and headed in a straight line towards the edge of the forest , and of course the vast cloud of smoke came hurtling after it .
24 As he turned towards the smokers ' seats , Loretta stopped and headed in the opposite direction .
25 ‘ It makes you look rakish , ’ she decided , and drew in a ragged breath as she encountered a smouldering look in his eyes .
26 Then she realised he was referring to their escape and drew in a shaky breath of relief .
27 In a discontinued action , the district judge has power , on taxation , to determine the scale of costs ( Ord 38 , r 4(7) ) and as to costs where an action is brought and tried in the High Court which could have been brought in the county court see s 19 .
28 In this capacity , he also established ties with the Government of Mozambique , and helped in the gradual process by which relations between Mozambique and the EEC were put on a more constructive basis .
29 We kept guard against the security forces and helped in the communal kitchen which was set up for the support committee .
30 Many masters of the latter group were scarcely able to sign their names and behaved in a brutal fashion to their crews .
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