Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv prt] again [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then the corridor bent to the side to accommodate four enclosed double bedrooms and bent back again through the centre of open seating with sleeping curtains , called sections .
2 ‘ I put £17 of fuel in , went to Windsor and back , used the car every day , and filled up again after the New Year .
3 He leapt up the steps , grabbed his valise and hastened down again to the truck .
4 At the Gloucester Forest Eyre in July 1634 he produced perambulations of 1228 and 1282 , ‘ both agreeing that the Bounds of the Forrest [ of Dean ] began at Gloucester Bridge , and so went to Monmouth Bridge and Chepstow Bridge , and came round again by the Severne to Gloucester . ’
5 This discontent , which had been instrumental in provoking the challenge to her leadership by Sir Anthony Meyer in 1989 , continued to plague the Prime Minister through the first half of 1990 and flared up again in the weeks prior to the leadership contest .
6 In the interval he had travelled to the extreme Left wing of English politics at that time , and swung back again to the Right with vigour and determination .
7 We got on , and started off again through the lonely night , in pitch darkness , not a house or a lantern to be seen .
8 She wandered back into the living-room , with its rugged stone walls and polished wood and leather , and looked out again at the darkened skies and pouring rain .
9 When we reached the road we stopped and looked down again at the little house .
10 She rose to her feet , and looked down again at the rolling hillside covered with fruit and vegetables , with grazing goats , sheep and chickens .
11 Leithen and I stopped at the top of the hill and looked down again into the little green valley .
12 Theodora wiped her hands on the damp grass and lay down again beneath the currant bushes .
13 At one and the same instant the audience burst into a thundering shout ; the orchestra pealed forth the strains of the Hallelujah Chorus ; the wheels of the great Ellis engine in Machinery Hall commenced to revolve ; the electric fountains in the lagoon threw their torrents towards the sky ; a flood of water gushed from the McMonnies Lake and rolled back again into the basin ; the thunder of artillery came from the vessels in the lake ; the chimes in Manufacturers Hall and on the German building rang out a merry peal , and overhead , the flags at the top of the poles in front of the platform fell apart and revealed the gilded models of the ships in which Columbus first sailed to American shores .
14 When he 'd finished , the attendant stuck the chamois leather in his belt with a flourish and leaned down again to the driver 's window .
15 Darting to the mantelpiece , he retrieved the note and the feather and dived back again under the covers , before the cold could ambush him .
16 Each time he scrambled out , took a short rest , and set out again for the next refuge .
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