Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I settled back in my seat , picked some dirt from my fingernails with a spare scythe blade , and whispered discreetly through the partition .
2 He went back , took a hoe from inside the door of his house and stabbed furiously at the cabbage patch , trying to rearrange the furrows in neat order .
3 He straightened up and gazed anxiously over the end of the bed at her .
4 He stopped , confused , by the bus stop opposite the Protestant Truth Society , and gazed unseeingly at the list of routes .
5 He puffed furiously on his pipe and gazed dreamily at the ceiling .
6 You 've a gift for this sort of thing , ’ declared Susan , as she sat down by the fire and gazed appreciatively round the room .
7 Katherine lay on the bed which had become hers and gazed blankly at the ceiling .
8 I nodded and gazed adoringly across the table at those dark , passionate eyes .
9 He took another sip of whisky and gazed thoughtfully at the ceiling .
10 The way it slips down the neck of your new one-piece after you 've crossed your tips and plunged head-first into the stuff .
11 Suddenly , they both jumped up , pulled off their remaining cotton restrictions and plunged straight into the water .
12 He cursed loudly as his rubber clad right foot struck off a slimy rock and plunged knee-deep into the mud and water .
13 ‘ He lost his footing in the frost and plunged headlong into the woman 's swimming pool .
14 The exposure of the scandal blighted the careers of several leading politicians and led ultimately to the resignation of Prime Minister Noboru Takeshita in May 1989 .
15 He proceeded to explain the Plan , starting with a brief review of the world components market which positioned Europe to the rest of the world and led straight into the Plan .
16 Its door could be opened from the inside and led directly to the corridor .
17 Although she was not aware of it she was , in her shabby white cotton blouse and her dark green skirt , with her blue-black and glossy curls drawn up and knotted simply on the top of her head , her face glowing and vital , the only touch of colour in the grimy street .
18 It may be that the poll tax was used as a pretext for anarchists , militants and other left-wing Labour Party fellow travellers to encourage riots and civil disorder , but many joined in for the kicks and cared little about the issue .
19 Module headers can be generated and duplicated quickly on the user 's account , perhaps with standard information related to the project in hand supplied in certain fields .
20 So then I went to the bank and asked politely in the name of the Mamur Zapt if I could check Andrus 's account .
21 The adult has then drawn attention to a deliberate change in the array , and asked again about the numerosity of the sets .
22 As the discussion followed between the now cosseted intruder and the male members of the small walking party which had found its grail at the lakeside Hotel , Miss Skelton was deferred to by her father , complimented by her mother , patted and plumped by her friends and avoided only by the chaplain , the Reverend Nicholson , who , Hope judged , was in love with her but too poor to press , too honourable to hotly pursue any claim .
23 None of this could detract from the supremacy of Williams , as Mansell and Patrese dominated the field and scrapped fiercely for the lead .
24 In desperation he whipped the knife back to his good left hand and lunged forward with the blade extended before him .
25 He took the evening newspaper and skimmed quickly through the story .
26 Mrs. Mounce jumped out of the armchair and twinkled away to the door .
27 Though not lettered , Lehzen read ( and read aloud to the princess ) and imparted to the child a love of history .
28 Every time Shirley was on the telly thereafter , I would notice how she put her head to one side and agreed absolutely with the questioner ‘ except did n't he think that … ’ .
29 It touched the ground at what appeared to be an impossible speed and skidded terrifyingly along the runway amid clouds of dust accompanied by a scraping , nerve-shattering , high-pitched screech .
30 Watched by her baffled cat , Mildred squeezed through the gap and hopped away down the corridor , convinced that nothing could be worse than just sitting helplessly in her room .
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