Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] my [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If Samoa , Mount Silisili and yesterday were indeed somewhere out there , I would have to take their presence on trust : I doubt if the visibility was more than five miles , and less as the squalls rolled in and drenched me in my eyrie .
2 I 'll come up there immediately and beat him with my stick . ’
3 Dunkirk in the early summer of 1940 meant the arrival of an exhausted Belgian soldier , who was a teacher and helped me with my French .
4 I telephoned Anna-Lisa after the AAAs and told her about my injury .
5 ‘ I 've taken the tape to the police , of course , and told them about my cat , but that 's all .
6 He turned his hand into a buzzsaw , and buried it in my leg , but I phantomed myself before he could breach my similie .
7 All those years I amassed it , and polished it with my mind : for the Jews ' teeth .
8 His unfailing support , wide advice , strong advocacy and practical help sustained and encouraged me from my start in September 1967 as FYT 's first paid staff person .
9 Eventually , I found a rope and threw it to my pal and they made it fast .
10 When I stopped , she turned her nose to me again and whiffed it across my hand again , huffed , and walked off .
11 She reached over the piano to a pile of little plastic cups , grabbed one and shoved it into my hand .
12 Often they say , ‘ I thought that I had been through all this and settled it in my mind ten years ago , yet here I am having to come to terms with the same issue all over again . ’
13 While he was in the lavatory , Michael tells me that , observing the large hat reposing by the overcoat , I reverently picked it up and placed it on my head .
14 That evening , while the rest of the family watched Dixon of Dock Green , I gathered together the total ensemble and placed it upon my person .
15 I lost track of what was going on outside the alley until the officer tapped her shoulder with his revolver and waved it in my face .
16 I broke the filter off and tapped it on my thumb before I took a light from him .
17 And she reeled off several names and exact addresses and sent me on my way : Kerr ( ‘ Everyone is related to Kerrs ’ ) , MacMillan , Mackinnon , Lowe .
18 They got my name wrong ( ‘ Dear Mr Burndige … ’ ) and sent it to my work address for some reason .
19 ‘ Yes , ’ continued Mr Brownlow fiercely , ‘ shadows on the wall have caught your whispers with Fagin , and brought them to my ear .
20 I crushed some of the flowers and rubbed them on my forehead as I 'm told it has an invigorating effect on cabbages and thought it might do the same for me .
21 I got busy with my nose again , then took a sip and gargled it about my mouth for some time .
22 I invited him in and introduced him to my wife .
23 Because I embroidered a little and introduced you as my fiancée , or because Melanie was there ? ’
24 However , he says that Mr. Owen , thereupon , ‘ gravely , but very tenderly rebuked my pride , and gave me for my theme : ‘ Ne sutor ultra crepidam ’ ’ ( ‘ Let the cobbler stick to his last ’ ) .
25 ‘ We took flowers from the cemetery , ’ says Kier , ‘ and gave them to my mum .
26 ‘ Never again ’ I said and gave it to my sister-in-law ( she 's a big girl ) and I felt glad to see the back of it .
27 ‘ I always felt as if you rode in on a white charger and saved me from my loneliness .
28 She did n't resist when I took the can of mace from her hand and slipped it into my pocket .
29 She repeated the request about the baptism and reminded me of my promise to baptise her baby .
30 She repeated the request about the baptism and reminded me of my promise to baptise her baby .
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