Example sentences of "and [vb past] [prep] the [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Five years ago , the cabinetmaker John Nethercott and his wife Annie stood in the drizzle and gazed at the leprous grey hulk of Upper House , Discoed .
2 Joseph fingered his rifle and gazed at the pretty little muntjac .
3 He sprinted along the bank and plunged into the freezing chest-deep water as the 15-month-old boy floated quickly away , face down .
4 He did not have time to check his mirrors for police cars as he passed All Hallows-on-the-Wall and plunged into the long straight canyon of London Wall .
5 The dollar crisis and the abandonment of the Gold Standard signalled the beginning of the end of the dollar bloc and led to the inevitable American withdrawal from Vietnam .
6 The big jeans names are already aware of the authentic newcomers , and are beginning to realise that the original utility styles they updated and bastardised over the past 30 years are the current fashion winners : watch them scramble to regain their own heritage .
7 The story of how Meehan and his advisors tried and failed during the next seven years to obtain justice for him in the light of increasing evidence of his innocence and Waddell 's guilt makes sorry reading .
8 All 40 outstanding documents were duly written and agreed by the Bulgarian Nuclear safety Authority in time for execution .
9 Though the big R100 BMW has been designed as much for cross-country work as for the road , the wheels bucked and skidded in the grey waterlogged soil as Trent fought the handlebars , weaving between scrub bush and clumps of hagara grass .
10 The bed was low but wide , and made of the same pale wood .
11 ‘ Best hang tight to my arm , boy , ’ he yelled and together they leaned forward and tramped through the long wet grass to wrestle with the Littles ' gate .
12 Alone in her bedroom , she undressed and got into the big empty bed .
13 The rain beat against the peeling door and the uncurtained windows and dripped from the still bloody lambskin that swung spreadeagled from the washing line .
14 This model has been developed and validated over the past four years by a research team at Loughborough University through extensive experimentation .
15 At nearly fifteen he was already over six feet tall and towered over the little Irish doctor in front of him .
16 I put on a spacesuit , went outside and moved to the big round door .
17 Donna got to her feet , still keeping low , and moved towards the small round window close to the front door in the hall .
18 In September 1962 Sylvia Plath separated from her husband and moved with the two small children to a flat in London .
19 As they drove through rolling hills topped by Mohican clumps of trees and moved into the leafy green tunnels of Petersfield , his bride , who 'd been primed by Drew , put her hand on her husband 's cock and suggested that it would be more fun to stop and have their picnic in a field than join the crowds at Cowdray .
20 In the frightful aftermath of the war , he dithered about UN protection for fleeing Kurds and presided over the horrendous first muddle in UN relief work .
21 He dipped the cotton wool in the water and dabbed at the livid puffy eyes .
22 Ruth hung back in the shadowy hallway and peered through the wide arched open front door , her heart beating so wildly she felt sick with it .
23 The big man beat on the door and shouted in the high nasal tone of the Caucasus , slammed his fist into the woodwork , demanded attention .
24 For there was tenderness in him , no doubt about that , Lisa reflected as they reached the foot of the path and headed across the rocky moonlit beach , his arm around her waist as though nothing could be more natural .
25 As they parked and headed for the open front door , a smiling woman in a dusky pink two-piece and with her silver hair caught back in a chignon appeared to welcome them .
26 She shut her eyes and concentrated on the four last things listed by the catechism : death , judgment , heaven and hell .
27 But within a few weeks of William 's appointment she had applied to three different London boroughs for a job — any job — in social work , taken the first one she 'd been offered , fixed up the flat , put the cottage on the market , found a school for Edwin , and fled from the last five years of her life with almost indecent haste .
28 and the warden was there in her dressing gown trying to get her up and she could n't get her up this morning , so she had to get help , one of the workmen came along and helped from the top terrible to say though it is , yeah , never mind , they get over it
29 Dunne belonged to ‘ the military section of Britain 's old upper class ’ , as J. B. Priestley [ q.v. ] , who based Time and the Conways ( 1937 ) on his interpretation of Dunne 's theory , was to recall ; ‘ he looked and behaved like the old regular officer type crossed with a mathematician and an engineer . ’
30 After a while I left the family room and wandered through the great central hall and on into the far side of the house , into Perkin 's workroom .
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