Example sentences of "and [vb past] [to-vb] through the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She closed her door quietly , regretting not leaving the Polo on the road , and tried to sneak through the back way to her room .
2 Ears ringing , he recovered himself and turned to peer through the reek .
3 I whipped the key out and turned to run through the Square only to find Shifty-Eyes standing blocking the pavement .
4 Anna turned , saw me waving , and began to amble through the line of cars with her nose n the air , looking entirely unconcerned about her own and everyone else 's safety .
5 Madeleine picked up a pair of pinking shears and began to slice through the material .
6 They sat down and started to look through the movie tapes , Zambia interjecting the odd question here and there .
7 She unzipped the bag and started to dig through the tangle of clothing for her soap case .
8 Garvey stopped the pageant and went to peer through the grille .
9 It was slightly damp not in patches but all over as if it had been soaked in water then wrung out and left to dry through the night .
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