Example sentences of "and [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 At the major shows , winners are often exposed to the glare of television lights , and expected to parade for the cameras as well , before journeying back home after a long day .
2 I chose a time when I knew the Trunchbull was out of the way teaching the sixth-formers , and I put up my hand and asked to go to the bogs .
3 The crew was accused of trespassing and asked to leave by the police , who were called by the vicar when they arrived
4 Their names were taken from Amal 's brother , but by the time they were collected and asked to appear before the police for statements they had taken great pains to prepare their story .
5 The defendant did not appeal and failed to comply with the notices .
6 When they declined to do as requested and sought to push through the police cordon , the appellants were arrested , and later convicted of obstructing the police in the execution of their duty .
7 The plaintiffs were dealers in second hand lorries and agreed to transfer to the defendants two lorries for £475 and take in exchange two other lorries valued at £225 , provided they were delivered within one month .
8 So I joined the half-dozen speechless loners and got to work on the Sidecars .
9 Instead Rosa waited in church before the eleven o'clock Mass , in the side chapel of the Madonna of the Spasm , and tried to pray through the minutes that seemed to haul themselves onwards through time as if anvils were strapped to their feet .
10 They got drunk and tried to carry off the women , and were fought off by the bridegroom with his Lapiths and his bosom-friend , the Athenian Theseus .
11 ‘ Those people who make the decisions should have gone out early in the morning and tried to putt to the holes we had to play to , ’ he added .
12 Then she sat at her bureau and put her hands to her flaming cheeks and tried to think about the hens , the sea , the possibility of buying a pig , something , anything , rather than the likelihood of not being painted by Michael Swinton .
13 But he could not resist holding the bird up to his desk lamp , so that the light ran across the surface and seemed to flow over the edges in crimson flame .
14 Mr Beckenham looked about the altered room , and seemed to take in the improvements in one swift glance .
15 He stood up and seemed to roll on the balls of his feet .
16 Sampras will finish the year in 81st place , Courier a more respectable 24th , but in doubles they have eclipsed their more renowned contemporaries and deserved to qualify for the Masters when Ken Flach and Robert Seguso were forced to withdraw at the last minute .
17 The males used should be light-treated in the same way , and allowed to run with the females between April and June , as the signs of oestrus , though obvious to the goats , may not be noticeable to their owners .
18 Later , when he contacted a third brother , Mr Tunc Kuntar , and threatened to complain to the authorities , Tunc said : ‘ If you do you must be aware of the consequences of that . ’
19 Later , when he contacted a third brother , Mr Tunc Kuntar , and threatened to complain to the authorities , Mr Kuntar said : ‘ If you do you must be aware of the consequences of that . ’
20 I wanted to see Natasha , but my mother said ‘ No ’ and threatened to call in the police .
21 Pulling them from under some old blankets , she sat down on the bed and began to leaf through the pages : photographs fell out , battered , uncherished , not stuck-in — this was no lovingly tended relic .
22 Pushing himself with indolent grace away from the door , Rourke came into the room and began to rummage about the shelves beneath the counter .
23 Recovering , Emmie seized the thin old hearthrug and began to beat at the flames .
24 She turned and began to run down the stairs .
25 She swept past his outstretched hand and began to hurry through the arrivals hall , only stopping to look back at him over her shoulder to see if he was following her when she reached the automatic doors .
26 She took the revolver , the bullets and her coat to wrap them in , and began to walk towards the woods .
27 She pulled her long dark hair from inside her flying jacket and began to walk to the outskirts of Grantley .
28 Pat Fitzgerald appeared and began to walk down the stairs and John met him halfway down .
29 The Galks left the injured Cun and began to walk amongst the slaves searching for the travellers .
30 He pulled away and began to wander towards the stairs .
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