Example sentences of "and [vb past] [to-vb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Any visual aid should be carefully selected and planned to add clarity to the presentation .
2 Pieper tried and failed to get hold of the outfits to brief them and to gauge their reaction .
3 In April 1865 , after months of hesitation , Agnes Jones decided that God had called her to Liverpool and agreed to become matron of the Liverpool Workhouse Infirmary at Brownlow Hill .
4 Charles the Younger wasted the region of the Upper Elbe so thoroughly that the Czechs submitted , and agreed to pay tribute to the Franks .
5 Eighteen Nottinghamshire practices were randomly selected from the family practitioner committee ( now family health services authority ) list and invited to take part in the study .
6 Despite expressions of indignation by members of the Republican Party , Perot maintained his claim and promised to provide proof of the dirty tricks campaign at a later point .
7 Conker hurried to begin with , gregarious as usual , then he slowed and tried to snatch grass from the hedgerows , the long stalks of cow parsley dangling from his mouth .
8 ‘ Your partner probably recognised you as the innocent you are — and tried to take advantage of the fact .
9 Then he watched a video and tried to set fire to the house before going back to Bath .
10 Then , the GLC , appalled at the waste and dereliction of this gigantic site in the heart of London , declared the place an ‘ Action Area ’ and tried to inspire development from the top down .
11 Several of the people involved in the ZETA story , directly or as spectators , are still working or living in retirement in and around Harwell : many of them feel that the publicity and interest generated in ZETA made many politicians and administrators aware of fusion , and helped to gain support for the funding of Culham Fusion Laboratory which was built during the early 1960s .
12 Residents within line of fire were evacuated from their homes and advised to take refuge at the Shuttle and Loom pub .
13 The Partnership should therefore be encouraged and allowed to take responsibility for the Compact strategy .
14 The Partnership should therefore be encouraged and allowed to take responsibility for the Compact strategy .
15 Richards pointed homewards , which was behind them , and turned to escort Tribe across the Lines .
16 These are retained in position by two metal plates perforated and grooved to allow contact between the membrane and solvent which is in the outer container .
17 Merson immediately struck an Everton post and threatened to run riot behind the industrious Campbell and Wright as Arsenal finally found the inventiveness to go with their workmanlike play .
18 From The Childhood , and even more from some conversations I recorded with the poet 's second cousin ( T. Trehame Thomas ) in 1966–7 , there are hints that Mrs Thomas 's family proudly preserved the memory of Alderman Townsend and his descendants : the Tedmans at a vicarage in Much Birch , near Hereford ; another great-uncle at Limpley Stoke near Bath with an interest in the development of Edward 's French grammar ; and many more who had either been abroad and returned to moderate affluence in the Border counties ( according to Mr T. T. Thomas 's recollections ) or had settled abroad in Africa or in the USA , like Edward 's aunt Margaret .
19 At a quarter to nine precisely , Father Johnson entered the church and began to celebrate Mass before the little group of kneeling worshippers .
20 In that same year he returned from studying on the Continent and began to exhibit work in the Royal Academy and with the New English and the London Group .
21 Speculation over possible Syrian-Israeli negotiations on the Golan Heights [ see p. 38025 ] continued in March and served to heighten tension within the divided Israeli leadership .
22 He was sentenced to three months ' imprisonment on each count to run concurrently , suspended for two years , and ordered to pay compensation in the total sum of £211.25 .
23 Oz gave in straight away and started to follow Jinny up the slope .
24 As the battle fleet made headway the Japanese government met on December 1 and decided to wage war on the USA , the following day at 0530 the message Niitaka-Yama Nabore ( Climb Mount Niitaka ) was sent in code to the task force , the signal that the Pearl Harbor raid was on .
25 And the smaller man was at Holly 's back , his knee at Holly 's shoulder blades and his fingers deep in the spare folds of Holly 's overcoat , and he pulled and wrenched to drag Holly from the hole , and Holly knew his stale breath as he hissed and heaved to prise Holly clear .
26 The man half carried , half pulled her into a nearby pub , where he propped her in a Windsor chair and went to fetch water from the bar .
27 The Cuban intellectuals were saying that after listening to Valtr Komarek for 14 hours he had lost his socialist ideals and went to commit suicide in the Bolivian jungle .
28 The concept that social intervention could have effects unintended by the practitioners , and which could be revealed only by asking the clients for their subjective impressions , took a long time to achieve currency , and had to do battle with the time-honoured attitude in professional practice that the client could not be expected to know what he , or more usually she , wanted .
29 But however great the wife 's contribution , the order to her should not be out of proportion to the total assets and had to do justice between the parties .
30 This country was bankrupt , and had to borrow money from the United States of America to keep going , and er , Russia had just had a revolution and was still in chaos .
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