Example sentences of "and [vb past] [to-vb] into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 She shook herself back into life and moved to step into the loft .
2 He did n't look back at the sudden commotion behind him and , when a shadow passed over him , merely gibbered weakly and tried to burrow into the horse 's mane .
3 In panic she stumbled backwards , twisted round and tried to run into the living room .
4 On the first evening the young men got drunk and tried to get into a nightclub but were refused admission .
5 Usually when he was giving one of his little dinners he came into the kitchen while they were preparing it , joked with them , had his hands smacked smartly by Matey when he lifted saucepan lids and tried to peer into the oven ; but today he stayed away .
6 Bigwig was lying across the wire , which came out under his belly and seemed to disappear into the ground .
7 Biological filters operate outside the pool , usually at the summit of a waterfall where they can be suitably hidden — water from the pool being pumped through the filter and allowed to discharge into the waterfall .
8 A beady glint appeared in Manolo 's clear blue eyes as he got his first scent of blood money and began to turn into a shark .
9 One of Gilbert 's gloves flew off , and the next time his hand hit the floor it stuck and began to sink into the carpet pile .
10 Here I alighted and began to walk into the wood in search of something .
11 But as I left my car and started to go into the house it was then that I realised I was falling under the spell of this Englishwoman who had been such a delightful and charming companion that day . ’
12 He did not know how long he had been sleeping but woke up hungry and decided to sneak into the kitchens for a tin of soup .
13 He pushed back his chair , and went to change into the evening clothes that Chambers had laid out for him .
14 The first ones seem to have lived in the sea , but by the Silurian the jawless ( Agnathan ) fish were a prominent component of fresh- and brackish-water sites in many areas of the world , and continued to diversify into the Devonian period .
15 Head & Co. was in business making navigation equipment and wished to diversify into the production of hang gliders .
16 Thieves broke into two premises in Drury Lane , Braintree , and attempted to get into a third.They stole £1,000 in cash and cheques from a dry cleaners , and £130 cash from a hairdressers .
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