Example sentences of "and [vb past] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I asked if she remembered Old Red , and described meeting him in the subway , but not his current reputation , for that would have been less than tactful , as I hoped one day to marry them off , and unfair , since he had been so pleasant to me .
2 He was also cursing his luck at being caught out in the open , when three figures stepped forward into the moonlight and stopped facing him across the intervening space .
3 He rebuilt the library and began stocking it with the central texts of secular and religious learning which he had made available at Bec .
4 Ignoring her repeated instruction for him to get out , he unrolled the scroll and began spreading it over the desk , using the paperweight and penholder to secure its curling corners .
5 She shifted the weight of his arm from her shoulders and began urging him towards the front door before his fabrications began to get even more elaborate .
6 Then he pinned her against the wall , took up a karate stance and began punching her in the breast and armpit .
7 The gang manhandled the 18-foot caravan through the gap in the fence and began pushing it across the field towards the road .
8 Releasing her shoulders , he took a firm grip on her arm and began steering her towards the steps down to the lawn .
9 Collecting the trowel , she bent down and began stabbing it into the bigger clumps of earth to break them up .
10 He went across and began washing himself at the lavarium .
11 Then we removed the wire from the front of the box and started feeding them on the ledge .
12 ‘ It hauled me to the ground with a thump and started mauling me on the back and neck . ’
13 We broke into the single , locked cupboard , and although we only found some new clothes and shoes with jewellery stuffed up inside the toes we assured each other that Aisha received money from her lover and liked leaving me in the house with the children because it made it easier to cheat on her husband .
14 Almost operating on remote control he removed it , looked at it , and remembered finding it on the mat in that other house in that other life-time .
15 The others were trying to drive the protesters away , and a fight seemed likely to break out at any minute , until a pair of uniformed police constables appeared , and stood watching them from the other side of the street .
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