Example sentences of "and [vb past] [adv] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So then I went to the bank and asked politely in the name of the Mamur Zapt if I could check Andrus 's account .
2 Mr Hutchinson managed to raise the alarm but the two men helped themselves to the cash and made off in the car driven by Wishart , of no fixed abode .
3 LUKE PARKED HIS Chevrolet Celebrity on the fifth floor of the studio carpark and rode down in the elevator with two minor executives in tracksuits who were discussing the latest records broken by ‘ 'T IS He Whose Yester-evening 's High Disdain ’ .
4 They broke through the upper windows and tumbled down in the middle of us .
5 Likewise the increased accountability of heads to governors , created by the 1986 Education Act and expanded again in the Reform Act , means not only extra work but extra tensions both for the heads themselves and for their staffs .
6 The table was enormous and gleamed redly in the candlelight .
7 Colonial officers were expected to learn Swahili ; they could then be posted and reposted anywhere in the territory .
8 They 've been to bed and got up in the morning , and now they 're going off and doing things , like going to work and that .
9 She unlocked the door and got back in the shower .
10 The significance this department 's role had on the railways as a whole , and its part in making the name of Wolverton Works known and respected both in the rail and motor industry needs to be recorded .
11 A sloop took me out to the ship which dipped and rose wildly in the harbour .
12 He touched the American 's elbow and moved off in the direction of a single Ming vase standing on a pedestal nearby .
13 She pushed the gate further open and peered round in the twilight .
14 He opened the little back gate and peered around in the dark for the shelter .
15 He took no notice , but turned in and drew up in the courtyard .
16 Caroline freed it carefuly , rose from the bed , and sank down in the chair beside it .
17 But on the other hand this hostility to the new God was not an original reaction either ; it had its prototype in a hostile impulse against his father , which had come into existence under the influence of the anxiety-dream [ concerning wolves and mentioned earlier in the analysis ] , and it was at bottom only a revival of that impulse .
18 ‘ I have had a long chat with Stephen and told him I know that he is knocking at the door of the full international side , but I would rather he played and helped out in the match at Tannadice than did nothing at Ibrox . ’
19 When the horses , being bridled to lead them to safety , panicked and lashed out in the dark , threatening to do worse harm to the buildings than the wind would , it was his father who forced his way between them and dragged out the pair who were causing most trouble .
20 After tossing restlessly for half the night , she managed to get a couple of hours ' sleep , and woke up in the morning feeling very angry with herself .
21 In one sense , the shift of population away from the original urban cores is by no means a new development ; suburban expansion was already underway before the end of the nineteenth century and accelerated dramatically in the interwar period .
22 I ran off and drove away in the car .
23 He gave my passport to the Corporal who put it into his pocket , then we got into the car and drove off in the direction of Lille .
24 At a dinner to celebrate his 25 years , said of that he was an example to everybody in terms of hard work and leadership and recalled how in the snow of 1982 he had walked the five miles from his home and Playford to be at his desk at the normal time .
25 A more stylish and dramatic return to English tradition came about through the Arts and Crafts Movement , which stood for integrity and truthfulness and believed whole-heartedly in the use of local craftsmen and materials .
26 Yet his proposals were denounced in the provinces , delayed in the Duma and rejected outright in the State Council .
27 Each of these clear days of scattered apple and white pear tree blossom moved inexorably towards the first day when they set out without books and came home in the evening showing the pink or blue papers they had tested themselves against in the examination hall .
28 So he 'd sort of had a well I suppose he 'd messed around helped and played about in the smithy .
29 Unlike pop socio-biology , which appeals to the gene as the ultimate and fundamental causal factor in human evolution and behaviour , innate sociality supposes a predisposition in human beings towards the continual absorption of existing meanings and the creation of new meanings in local universes of thought that are constantly being discovered , destroyed , and negotiated anew in the process of social interaction .
30 I had hoped she would be able to get rid of Dennis quickly , but it was almost 4 o'clock before the red BMW finally appeared and roared away in the direction of the ring road .
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