Example sentences of "and [vb past] [pron] [adv prt] of the " in BNC.

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1 He took her hand and led her out of the café .
2 Her eyes were only very slightly glazed as Fernando Serra tightened his grip on her hand and led her out of the Guadalquivir suite .
3 ‘ We ca n't talk here , ’ he said , and led her out of the room and into the hall .
4 Snorting at the friar 's apparent stupidity , Cranston turned his horse and led them out of the main alleyways of Southwark .
5 He then gave the order to move off and led us out of the abbey gate .
6 As well take to kissing Bruce Davidson good-night , he told himself , and got himself out of the door on this thought .
7 It was like toys : when you brought them home from the shop and got them out of the box they were never quite the same .
8 He grasped the forestay in both hands as high up as he could reach and drew himself out of the water and on to the forward hull beam as smoothly as a dolphin breaking for air .
9 The guests fell upon the centaurs and drove them out of the country , so they are now a rare sight indeed .
10 But there a braver adult , entering and pushing them aside , saw what was going on and drove them out of the train .
11 ‘ Now look what you 've made me do ! ’ she exclaimed agitatedly , then gasped in surprise when Leo got lazily to his feet , grasped both her elbows and lifted her out of the way .
12 In Allen v. Jarvis ( 1869 ) L.R. 4 Ch.App. 616 a solicitor-executor drew up a bill of costs amounting to £691 and paid himself out of the testator 's assets .
13 She pulled herself back together again , and hauled herself out of the cubicle to make full use of the facilities .
14 The maydes came in to make the bed , and hearing a thing in a case cry Tick , Tick , Tick , presently concluded that it was his Devill , and took it by the string with the tongues , and threw it out of the windowe into the mote ( to drown the Devill ) .
15 He caught the peel before it hit the floor and threw it out of the window .
16 Roman tugged Claudia to her feet and rushed her out of the garden before the coach doors had time to open .
17 Tim Reagan raised his hands in mock submission , surprised by his partner 's vehemence , and followed him out of the door .
18 She put the magazine back and followed him out of the shop .
19 She drained her coffee , got her bag out of her locker and followed him out of the door .
20 He announced that Oliver was innocent , and ordered everybody out of the court .
21 Once Chang pulled rank on Callahan at Sunset and ordered him out of the water .
22 Athelstan rose , grabbed Cranston by the arm and hustled him out of the room , closing the door behind him .
23 Hard fingers encircled his arm and haled him out of the room , and he went like one in a dream , unable to resist but ready for some treacherous pitfall to open under his feet at every step .
24 ‘ Come on , ’ she said , and whisked him out of the bathroom .
25 They grabbed the plank and shoved it out of the back of the cab until it tilted and swung down towards the floor .
26 I saw her before she saw me , and watched her out of the corner of my eye .
27 ‘ Perfectly , ’ she replied , and preceded him out of the lift very much aware that , no matter how conscience and love might insist that she make a clean breast of everything , to confess was something she simply could not do .
28 He 'd taken one look at her ashen face , and steered her out of the swirling throngs of people without needing to be asked .
29 As Charlie paced , he picked up an old pair of frayed jeans or a wide-collared shirt with pink flowers on it , or a Barclay James Harvest album , and tossed it out of the skylight and into the garden below .
30 said Billy , and heaved himself out of the chair with difficulty .
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