Example sentences of "and [vb past] [art] [adj] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Attempts to reconcile these two decisions have expanded human ingenuity and expended an unconscionable amount of time , effort and paper .
2 Both were just 23 and shared the same love of horses , fresh air and country pursuits .
3 To explore the desert , Thesiger immersed himself in the Bedu way of life : he spoke Arabic , dressed and went barefoot they did , and shared the extreme hardship of their existence .
4 ‘ Be brave , ’ he told himself , and laid the middle finger of each hand upon the rim , as Peccable , who 'd once owned such a Bowl and had it smashed by his wife in a domestic row , had instructed .
5 Even Green did wonder why a better path could not have been made and recommended a little landscaping of trees and rocks which blocked the views of Stock Ghyll force .
6 GRAEME Hick threw off his straightjacket yesterday — and led an incredible blitz of World Cup champions Pakistan to clinch the Texaco Trophy series .
7 I shook my head at him , scowling , and wiped the brown rim of soup from the inside of my plate .
8 Whilst in the turn Lt Ferris broke away from Lt Marrons ' and attacked the second element of Jigger Green .
9 Third , the political turbulence of the seventies born of economic failure and increasing unemployment , destroyed consensus and brought " conviction politics " and real choice back to the fore with a vengeance : the Conservatives rediscovered old roots in their opposition to state intervention and their commitment to the free market ; the Labour Party rediscovered socialism and attacked the free market of capitalism at the same time as they were eager to fashion an interventionist state ; the specifics of nationalist sentiment ebbed and flowed in unpredictable ways ; and only the Liberal-SDP Alliance seemed eager to try and recreate the moderate consensus politics and policies of the fifties , and they did this despite growing signs that the social and economic conditions that made those policies viable had ceased to exist .
10 The first Economic Society grew up spontaneously from the tertulia of a group of Basque gentry : it read foreign periodicals , discussed the useful sciences , set up a school and attacked the Gothic prejudice of aristocratic idleness .
11 As we chattered , other villagers crowded around and asked the usual round of Indian questions : where were we from ?
12 France imported considerable numbers in the 1850s and 1860s and became a useful reservoir of lines which were later extinct in England .
13 Bobby rejoined his former Swindon boss , Bert head , at Selhurst Park and became a prominent member of Palace 's sides in the late 1960s .
14 For a while the breed flourished and became a regular winner of dairy-class prizes , but the Second World War saw the start of a decline , though the breed society was revitalised in 1948 .
15 Ian was a bright young striker who , after helping the Palace Juniors win the FA Youth Cup in 1977 , forced his way into the League side and became a key member of our 1979 2nd Division Championship line-ups , scoring several invaluable goals , including the first one in the decisive victory over Burnley which clinched the title in the final game of the season .
16 His father having died in 1216 , Peter spent many years as William 's ward , and became a lifelong friend of his son , Walter de Cantilupe [ q.v. ] , bishop of Worcester from 1238 to 1265 .
17 In the District these were organised and developed by George Pateman at Cheshunt College for several years , and became a distinctive feature of summer programmes .
18 And behold , he shrivelled and withered under their eyes , and became a small handful of grey dust and glass powder .
19 Cancer research had a long tradition of support from private contributions , but new charities devoted to particular diseases , such as arthritis and rheumatism , leukaemia , and muscular dystrophy , were founded and became a great source of strength to workers whose interests had or might have application to the desired objectives .
20 The sell-out concept was inherited by all Right-On people , and became a central part of their thinking .
21 This is due largely to the fact that doctors were able to organize themselves into a professional group before the state intervened in medicine and became a major employer of medical practitioners .
22 James was terrified of witchcraft and became a ruthless persecutor of anyone suspected of it .
23 Somewhere in the period between the time that early man first made for himself a ‘ god ’ , and the time when evidence of ‘ god ’ worship was left for later generations to find , the use of ‘ gods ’ for purposes which were largely intended to create unfair privileges , and were therefore a source of evil , gradually crept in and became a widespread part of the social scene .
24 In the classics , in mathematics , in history and in English we were taught by men of quite exceptional ability and qualifications : my history master later held a university chair and became a Welsh historian of the greatest distinction …
25 In the Commons , he hunted with the Left , earning a reputation as a sharp debater and a hard-worker and became a leading scourge of the Common Market .
26 Thus Everton , a modest sized village since at least the time of Domesday Book , lost its separate identity during the middle decades of the nineteenth century and became a working-class quarter of Liverpool .
27 Webster ceased to be a secure tenant of 29 , Juniper Court and became a secure tenant of 336 , Stocksfield Road .
28 When he returned to Split , however , he joined the Latinised clergy of the Metropolitan Church and became a fierce opponent of the poor Slavs and their culture .
29 Knox got involved in a local action group and became a vocal critic of the plan , regularly appearing on television programmes standing defiantly in the shadow of the existing power station blocks .
30 These flaps gradually grew larger until they met the nasal and became a single sheet of metal , with slits to allow vision and holes for breathing .
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