Example sentences of "and [vb past] [verb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Dreams of Comfort and Anthony and David mixed with memories of the war and became tangled up with the figures on the painted ceiling above her bed and the work she had been doing for Kesselring 's trial .
2 Maginnis , and by implication the Official Unionists , were weak and failed to stand up for the common man .
3 But what a pity that , when the heat was on — when the law of the land was being challenged by Labour councillors up and down the country , and by Members of Parliament — the Opposition Front Bench was found wanting , and failed to stand up to the rule of law .
4 Some winners in the past have been temperamental and failed to get up in the morning , but on the whole they go out as boys and come back as men . ’
5 If that image changes rapidly in time , as it would in a moving video sequence , for example , then a huge amount of digital information must be stored , transferred and processed to keep up with the requirements of delivering the motion video to the user .
6 His parents , who live at Clevelys , near Blackpool , feared he had strayed outside the airport and got caught up in the disaster .
7 Last summer we initiated the loan exhibition at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge of the finest private German collection of Romantic and Nazarene Drawings which we advised and helped build up over the years , having bought for the collection on commission here at the London auctions major drawings like Koch 's ‘ The Schmadribachfall ’ , and Overbeck 's important preparatory study for his fresco at the Villa Massimo in Rome .
8 This instruction felt like a prison sentence , and condemned to stay up in the cloud , I scanned the instruments nervously , waiting for an unseen gust to grab our little craft .
9 Georg looked at her and for a moment she thought he was going to grab her , thought he was going to cry himself , but he suddenly stormed out of the dairy and began to stride up towards the lower pasture .
10 Soon genuine celebrities descended from on high and began showing up on the show .
11 But she just looks at me pityingly , like I was behind the times and needed to catch up with the latest ideas . ’
12 He had a potter about and a chat and decided to set up in the far corner to our left .
13 The two met at a rally and decided to team up for the Charrington RAC .
14 Gabriel was able to slide into it , head-first , over the edge of the platform , and lay curled up in the bottom , as still as a hedgehog in hibernation .
15 He cleared his throat once more and resumed staring up at the ceiling .
16 Wilcock had written about Haynes and his Edinburgh bookshop in the Village Voice soon after it had opened , and had popped up in the one-off Longhair Times too .
17 Straightening , he turned to Lori , who had gone as white as a sheet , and had backed up to the door like an animal at bay .
18 ( Like many British design engineers at the time — and unlike Continental or American ones — he had no university training and had come up through the usual apprenticeship route with evening and part-time study . )
19 Miss Foley was ready to go now and had come up to the desk to clear his out tray .
20 Matilda and Lavender shook their heads and continued to gaze up at the giant .
21 By now they were in the square , and stood gazing up at the gilded splendour of the cathedral 's spire and turrets , bright in the low November sun .
22 Mansell , clearly in pain , was then helped from his car and stood doubled up on the edge of the track before being escorted away to the medical centre for a lengthy check-up .
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