Example sentences of "and [vb past] [verb] [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Any visual aid should be carefully selected and planned to add clarity to the presentation .
2 Pieper tried and failed to get hold of the outfits to brief them and to gauge their reaction .
3 In April 1865 , after months of hesitation , Agnes Jones decided that God had called her to Liverpool and agreed to become matron of the Liverpool Workhouse Infirmary at Brownlow Hill .
4 Charles the Younger wasted the region of the Upper Elbe so thoroughly that the Czechs submitted , and agreed to pay tribute to the Franks .
5 Eighteen Nottinghamshire practices were randomly selected from the family practitioner committee ( now family health services authority ) list and invited to take part in the study .
6 Despite expressions of indignation by members of the Republican Party , Perot maintained his claim and promised to provide proof of the dirty tricks campaign at a later point .
7 Conker hurried to begin with , gregarious as usual , then he slowed and tried to snatch grass from the hedgerows , the long stalks of cow parsley dangling from his mouth .
8 ‘ Your partner probably recognised you as the innocent you are — and tried to take advantage of the fact .
9 Then he watched a video and tried to set fire to the house before going back to Bath .
10 Then , the GLC , appalled at the waste and dereliction of this gigantic site in the heart of London , declared the place an ‘ Action Area ’ and tried to inspire development from the top down .
11 Several of the people involved in the ZETA story , directly or as spectators , are still working or living in retirement in and around Harwell : many of them feel that the publicity and interest generated in ZETA made many politicians and administrators aware of fusion , and helped to gain support for the funding of Culham Fusion Laboratory which was built during the early 1960s .
12 Residents within line of fire were evacuated from their homes and advised to take refuge at the Shuttle and Loom pub .
13 The Partnership should therefore be encouraged and allowed to take responsibility for the Compact strategy .
14 The Partnership should therefore be encouraged and allowed to take responsibility for the Compact strategy .
15 Richards pointed homewards , which was behind them , and turned to escort Tribe across the Lines .
16 These are retained in position by two metal plates perforated and grooved to allow contact between the membrane and solvent which is in the outer container .
17 Merson immediately struck an Everton post and threatened to run riot behind the industrious Campbell and Wright as Arsenal finally found the inventiveness to go with their workmanlike play .
18 From The Childhood , and even more from some conversations I recorded with the poet 's second cousin ( T. Trehame Thomas ) in 1966–7 , there are hints that Mrs Thomas 's family proudly preserved the memory of Alderman Townsend and his descendants : the Tedmans at a vicarage in Much Birch , near Hereford ; another great-uncle at Limpley Stoke near Bath with an interest in the development of Edward 's French grammar ; and many more who had either been abroad and returned to moderate affluence in the Border counties ( according to Mr T. T. Thomas 's recollections ) or had settled abroad in Africa or in the USA , like Edward 's aunt Margaret .
19 At a quarter to nine precisely , Father Johnson entered the church and began to celebrate Mass before the little group of kneeling worshippers .
20 In that same year he returned from studying on the Continent and began to exhibit work in the Royal Academy and with the New English and the London Group .
21 Nick Collins was born at Chopwell in County Durham but came south to find coalmining work in the small Kent coalfield and began playing football for the attractively named Canterbury Waverley , and it was from there that the Palace signed him , in spite of opposition from Arsenal , in late August 1934 .
22 But when industry giants like IBM and Digital suffered a slump in demand and began cutting production towards the end of last year , Bemac saw its market contract dramatically .
23 By the time the van had reached Hyde Park Corner and began heading north up the Park Lane carriageway , Ashi Nadirpur and her daughter had both lost consciousness .
24 He spoke passably good French and enjoyed discussing food with the pretty young serving girl who came out to the table by the roadside , which the Major had adopted as his vantage point .
25 Speculation over possible Syrian-Israeli negotiations on the Golan Heights [ see p. 38025 ] continued in March and served to heighten tension within the divided Israeli leadership .
26 He was sentenced to three months ' imprisonment on each count to run concurrently , suspended for two years , and ordered to pay compensation in the total sum of £211.25 .
27 Oz gave in straight away and started to follow Jinny up the slope .
28 From their viewpoint high over the campsite , they were amazed at how soon after daybreak people appeared and started making use of the free detecting areas .
29 The pack , however , had Elastoplast , which came in very useful when I caught my finger and started dripping blood over the Troika stand .
30 As the battle fleet made headway the Japanese government met on December 1 and decided to wage war on the USA , the following day at 0530 the message Niitaka-Yama Nabore ( Climb Mount Niitaka ) was sent in code to the task force , the signal that the Pearl Harbor raid was on .
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