Example sentences of "and [vb past] [verb] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Easily Accessible : Bosham is where , according to legend , King Cnut tried and failed to turn back the sea and the village is depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry .
2 In the end he had relented , and agreed to take up the career she had chosen for him .
3 Nirvana Inc battened down the hatches and made to ride out the storm .
4 Judy knew Brown Owl would be very cross if she saw Mandy on the other side of the fence — but she did n't have time to worry very long about that , for in a minute or two a loud , frightened scream shrilled from Mandy , who had stepped forward and bent to pick up the ball resting on the bright-green surface of the ground — and found herself up to her knees in treacherous , clinging slime .
5 He stood up , stretched and bent to pick up the tray .
6 It was a task she devoted herself to while Ted with a most ungentlemanly violence of language put the car into reverse and tried to back up the lane .
7 Sometimes , when she had been to a romantic film , or had been kissed good-night by Pogo , she had sat on the edge of her bed , staring at that dark , handsome , boy 's face and tried to conjure up the memory of his living presence .
8 A policeman has been jailed for thirty months after he attacked a motorist and tried to cover up the offence .
9 I sat and stared at the paper in front of me and tried to blank out the present and get back into my story — forward , that is , into my invented future , and out of the world of queries and vague apprehensions .
10 Then I was taken back home to my mother 's and tried to build up the relationship again .
11 The huge man whose belly flowed over his belt and seemed to cascade down the front of his trousers pointed with the cane .
12 ‘ Bounced out as soon as she heard me call you and came scrabbling up the slope .
13 As they reached the corner of Woodbine Close , Dudley Ford emerged from his front door and came striding down the garden path with Sinbad snuffling at his heels .
14 It will focus on distributed Unix composed of LANs and interconnected WANs where the reliability of multiple system components and large numbers of apps have to be considered .
15 In a little while the Wheel would be set alight , released from its cradle and allowed to trundle down the slope , gathering momentum .
16 ‘ Until this evening , ’ he said huskily , and turned to go back the way they had come .
17 She sighed , and turned to pick up the clock on the bedside table .
18 Jack put down the phone and began to lay out the tea .
19 The yellow dog barked excitedly and shook himself ; he shoved his nose into his dish and began gulping down the food in huge , hungry bites .
20 The fax peeped and began to flutter out the jigsaw sheets .
21 She sat down and began to pour out the tea and , her voice still quiet , she went on , ‘ I do n't suppose it 's really so bad for you , instructing or teaching , whatever it is you do , but in the Naafi , amidst the clatter — ’ she now looked at him and her words were spaced as she went on , ‘ and the chaff and the ribbing ; well , I sometimes think I have died and gone to hell , because that 's what I think hell must be like ; constant joking , especially when you hear the same thing repeated over and over again . ’
22 On the morning of Tuesday , 3 April 1934 , at 7.40 a.m. , the workers marched into the yard to the skirl of the pipes and began to clean away the rust and the nests of rooks that had appeared in the giant skeleton of the hull as it lay neglected during years of depression .
23 A little boy came out of the woods opposite and began skiing down the slope towards the road .
24 So then , with no better grace and without even a passing thought for Josie 's safety , Lucy pinned back her own hair and began to carry out the makeup job that she 'd undergone so many times before .
25 I helped myself , and when I had finished , I went up on deck and began sorting out the rigging .
26 Mrs. Hennessy bent down and began to pick up the bed — clothes .
27 She kicked off the wellingtons , which was easy enough , and began to go up the ladder .
28 Without waiting for an answer , she walked round to the boot and began to take out the luggage .
29 He picked up the envelope and began to take out the sheet of paper inside .
30 When I bought my first company and began to build up the business , I had to live in the city , so that I was at the centre of things .
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