Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [noun prp] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The very productive switch in techniques to the use of Ameslan , initiated by Allen and Beatrice Gardner at the University of Nevada with Washoe in the mid-1960s .
2 With an assured and calmly poised new backing singer , a new bod on keyboards and Mr C and Colin Angus at the helm , the Scottish explorers keep developing .
3 The occasions that stand out in the three decades of our post-imperial era are : Duncan Sandys ' 1957 decision to recommend the end of National Service , which almost halved the Army ; the Kennedy/Macmillan Polaris agreement at Nassau in 1962 that led to the RAF losing responsibility to the Royal Navy for the British nuclear deterrent ; Denis Healey 's scrapping of the TSR2 in 1965 , which threatened to ‘ unhorse ’ the RAF 's knights ; his cancellation of the aircraft-carrier replacement programme in 1966 , which did much the same thing to the Royal Navy ; and John Nott 's attempt in 1981 to maintain the strength of the Rhine Army and RAF Germany at the expense of our maritime capability .
4 It is understandable , therefore , why they should also believe that this harsh and exploitative system a fact noted not just by Marxists but also by social reformers like Dickens , Rowntree , William Booth , the Webbs and Edwin Chadwick at the time would ultimately be questioned by the class of people who were at once both the most numerous and the most exploited by this mode of production .
5 STORYTIME : Michael Hardcastle reads for St Malachy 's PS pupils Lisa Monaghan , 10 , left , Shauna McDermott , 11 , and Geraldine McKiernan at the Youth Libraries Group ‘ Extravaganza ’ in Maysfield Leisure Centre
6 The success of the British Bulldog , Davey Boy Smith , in the WWF means that up-and-coming wrestlers have dreams beyond joining Giant Haystacks , Skull Murphy , Fit Finlay and Kendo Nagasaki at the top of British bills .
7 I recently recounted such a theory when I met Will Shakespeare and Richard Burbage at the Globe .
8 The original Promenade line terminated at the gates of Claremont Park at Cocker Street , but it was important for the tramway to serve the developing northern end of the town and link up with the new Blackpool and Fleetwood Tramroad at the Gynn , opened in 1898 .
9 Thank goodness we had Dickie Bird and David Shepherd at The Oval .
10 Tiki Kyte in the front and Angie Butler at the back are putting in the miles around the country lanes of Oxfordshire .
11 Rob Blann ( right ) is pictured with the pub licensees Peter and Linda Sim at the re-naming of the pub .
12 POLLY Pollock and Linda Miller at the Pam Schomberg Gallery , Colchester , until end of month ; Jean-Charles Blais at Essex University until Friday ; Jonathan Clarke and Ted Atkinson at Chappel Galleries until Sunday ; Lisa Temple-Cox at Trinity Gallery , Colchester , until Saturday ; A Leap In The Light at Braintree Leisure Centre until Saturday ; Susan Monk at Colchester Central Library until May 29 .
13 NO such last-minute hitches are anticipated for tomorrow night 's concert by Frances Black and Kieran Goss at the Guildhall .
14 Chairman of Convocation : Dr Derek Zutshi talks to Michael and Estelle Morgan at the reception after the concert
15 This year 's Chairman was Mrs Rupert Frank , who had the support of her husband , and two of their three sons Frederick and Alexander Frank at the ball , which went with a swing from the start .
16 In part the SARFU 's statement read : ‘ We wish to state publicly that , contrary to press reports , the executive of the SARFU did not authorize the playing of the national anthems of New Zealand and South Africa at the Ellis Park test .
17 The eventual colour illustration , put before Verity Lambert and Christopher Barry at the Monday meeting , proved very close to the design finally adopted .
18 They sat up at the front : Uncle Harry at one end ( when he was n't away at sea ) and Aunt Ann at the other , with her cousins Tristram , Jill , Nathan and Matthew in between .
19 Other treble scorers were Julian Pritchard at the United Pack and Simon Andrews at the Puckeridge , where As You Were recovered his form in the Ladies race .
20 And apart from the Bohemian Rhapsody news of the rest of the European football tonight and we have the double attacking spearhead of Colin Fray and Martin Fisher at the City ground and you listening to the classiest football cover on Radio Nottingham from five past seven .
21 She attended her memorial service along with the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret at the Chapel Royal in St James 's Palace .
22 We may weary of them soon , so finish 1989 with visits to the excellent survey of Aleksandr Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova at the Serpentine Gallery and Transformation — The Legacy Of Authority at the Cleveland Gallery in Middlesbrough , which has a broad range of contemporary Soviet painters , from the socialist realist Nandalbayan to the Western-influenced would-be American superstar Sergei Shutov .
23 My first choice had always been a pay review body and the significant breakthrough came when Geoffrey Howe and Leon Brittan at the Treasury also backed this proposal .
24 Roger Bakeman and Josephine Brown at the Georgia State University have compared the social behaviour of preterm babies and their mothers with that of mothers with babies born at the end of the full nine months .
25 Murray 's assured introduction to league football further expands a Rangers squad big enough to handle the loss of John Brown and Trevor Steven at the weekend through suspension and injury .
26 In 1925 they published a ‘ descriptive ’ record entitled ‘ Mr and Mrs Brown at the Football Match ’ , claiming 4851 voices could be heard .
27 At first they assumed that he could find a place among the steep woods behind Camserney and be supplied by their good friends Donald and Aileen Gillies at the mill .
28 Some of the former private enterprise managers ( notably E. H. E. Woodward on the Central Authority and Harry Randall at the London Board ) had seen from the beginning that proper decentralisation required that the Boards relate capital expenditure to revenue-earning potential in order to retain direct control of their financial viability ; and outside commentators were sometimes surprised that the Boards ' decisions on capital expenditure to meet statutory obligations were made quite separately from the revenue estimates which determined their profitability .
29 Chivers publications will continue to be available from Chivers , and Mary Finch at the Chivers sales office in Bath will continue to advise libraries and to take telephone orders .
30 Elizabeth Hayden , a chemistry teacher at Gillotts School , worked with Brian Harrison and Brian Theobald at the Technology Centre to contribute three topics :
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