Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [vb past] [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then wickets tumbled , and sixteen were still needed to avert the follow-on when the eighth went down ; but Old with a bruised wrist , and Snow saw them to safety and the innings made 332 .
2 In 1960 his great rivals , Ladbrokes , went into the football business , and Hill sued them for infringement of the copyright in his coupon .
3 But he had written his book — the people in Glasgow and Paisley knew it by heart , nearly — now it was up to themselves .
4 The main bridge between the two was the Council of 500 members , appointed annually from the demes in proportion to their population — so for instance Eleusis was allowed to send eleven councillors to the city , and the great deme of Acharnai sent twenty-two , while some tiny demes like Pambotadai and Syhridai took it in turn to send a single councillor , each sending one every other year .
5 For Ruth 's eleventh birthday , a week or so before , Rachaela had given Ruth a dress she wanted , scarlet and apple green , and Ruth wore it on Christmas Day .
6 The following week the US Tour moved to Los Angeles for the LA Open , and Frank asked me to caddie for him there .
7 Lil and Sid hated me like rat poison … ’
8 It was and McLeish greeted him with relief .
9 I also found that I had a vitamin deficiency , and Anna-Lisa introduced me to vitamin supplements .
10 That left a lot of silence to fill , and Miles filled it with fear and guilt .
11 That Shirley and Gareth sent me for Christmas .
12 That Shirley and Gareth sent me for Christmas
13 A sprig of dā telo had been fixed above the lintel to protect the house from evil , and Kāli left it in place , carefully plastering around it .
14 An architect by profession , he took six months off work to help the builders make the house habitable , and then he and Anne painted it from top to bottom in a vibrant range of colour schemes , theirs is the tonic to take : the narrow winding staircase is an orangey red , the kitchen a pale blue , the living room a shade of yellow , the conservatory woodwork a blue-green , and so on .
15 and Steve put it on top of here .
16 We worked very hard while Pippin and PJ watched us with interest from the comfort of the sofa .
17 When the company decided to venture into fish foods , Steve asked his contact from MAFF , Paul Kirby , who would be the best person to help formulate quality pellets , and Paul put him in touch with Dr Roger Ash , a nutritional expert from Bradford University .
18 Lutyens had been struck by the emphasis she had placed on the word — and on her choice of it ; chaste was not a word Miss Jekyll usually employed when planning her gardens , and Lutyens bore it in mind throughout — hence the austerity to which he adhered on the terraces .
19 Frederick was himself a major figure in trade with the Peninsula and Herne succeeded him as head of their joint firm in 1685 .
20 Although the children at the La Mane Centre were made to use their powers for the wrong reasons , when it came to using their powers when it mattered , both Carrie and Michael used them in order to kill and destroy .
21 Four Winds was built on rising ground on the northern outskirts of the city , and Merrill studied it with interest as she got out of her car .
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