Example sentences of "and [noun prp] [verb] [pron] with the " in BNC.

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1 The position carried with it the right to a seat in the Council and Fould combined it with the office of Minister of State .
2 He wrote a cheque and Josh okayed it with the bank — phoned Hnatiuk , the manager , at home . ’
3 Aberdeen , whatever its staging-post status in their plans , received the same attention as their eventual western destinations , and Johnson approached it with the attitude he later brought to the Highlands and the west , with Boswell , for his part , consistent in the manner and style of his own reportage — observing Johnson as he observed Scotland .
4 Although both James and Miller concern themselves with the effects of attaching verbal responses to the cues to be discriminated , there is no reason to restrict the analysis they offer to such responses .
5 Government comes to be seen as a matter of administration rather than rule and the ideologies of Machiavelli , Locke , Bentham , and Marx provide us with the modern cribs to politics ; a political training in default of a political education .
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