Example sentences of "and [adv] as a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 To say that a given rule is valid is to recognize it as passing all the tests provided by the rule of recognition and so as a rule of the system .
2 But this will scarcely work , for it was precisely in this year , and perhaps as a result of the failure of Archbishop Ralph 's letter to produce any effect at the papal court , that the Canterbury monks claimed that they had ‘ discovered ’ the long lost documents with all the essential primatial clauses in them .
3 Sometimes people have um a whole variety of symptoms in later life and perhaps as a consequence of some sort of therapy , some sort of consciousness raising exercise , something like that erm they are not necessarily aware at the start that they 've been abused but sometimes they feel y'know a very compelling sense of memories flooding back .
4 and especially as a sign of cultural aspiration .
5 Although there is a wealth of literature on second language acquisition — usually in children of primary school age or younger , and usually as a consequence of schooling in a second language — the processes of the foreign language classroom are not necessarily identical or even generally comparable .
6 The Evangelists proposed the concept of home as a private retreat for man , and home as a centre of morality , away from the rigours and corruption of the outside world .
7 Some have pointed out that the mercurial Vercruysse has provoked similar situations in the past , and always as a result of difficulties in their relationship : most recently over an exhibition to be held in May at the Dhondt Dhaenens Museum , Deurle , which examines Belgium 's contribution to Documenta .
8 Travel companies are featuring Japan more and more as a destination in their brochures , and more foreign visitors are encountering the Japanese way of hotels .
9 Contracting out by local authorities has increased under the Conservative government — partly voluntarily and partly as a response to changes in the law requiring them to do so for certain activities .
10 But the interpenetration of mathematics and magic in the school is well attested ; Dodds , for example , sees Pythagoreanism partly as ‘ a development of shamanism and partly as a development of number mysticism and the speculations about cosmic harmony ’ .
11 On the other hand , Political Union was conceived late in the day , partly in response to the dramatic changes in Central Europe and partly as a complement to EMU designed to placate , if not to satisfy , the European Parliament and those favouring its strengthening .
12 Many disabled , ( partly because of their disability and partly as a result of the inadequacy of public transport ) , are completely dependent on private or other vehicles to get out at all .
13 Partly for historical reasons , such as the impact the Poor Law made on their memories , and partly as a result of their attitudes towards financial ‘ dependence ’ on the state , there are grounds for believing that some of these factors are more acutely felt by older people than other age groups .
14 The back to nursing movement has established itself over the past five years , partly in response to a national shortage of qualified staff , and partly as a result of the UKCC 's stated commitment to introduce mandatory updating programmes for nurses and health visitors returning to practice after a specified minimum break in service .
15 Finally , another category of prisoners — those held in ‘ protective custody ’ — has been greatly reduced in size recently , partly by the Juvenile Justice Act and partly as a result of the case of Hussainara Khatoon v.
16 Partly as a result of a slow trickle through the barriers , and partly as a result of internal inconsistencies , the analytic tradition has recently shown signs of moving from the strictly aloof position it adopted in the heyday of conceptual analysis .
17 Partly out of over-confidence and partly as a result of the double pressure of having to sit still under a bombardment while their property was burned and looted under their noses , the garrison made a foray against Richard 's camp , placed temptingly close to the walls .
18 Crèches were abandoned in the early twentieth century partly for reasons of economy and partly as a result of the pressure exerted by the infant welfare movement on mothers to stay at home with their children .
19 The Court of Appeal stated that it was impermissible to make a finding of 100% contributory negligence , as the Act states that the plaintiff must suffer damage partly as a result of his own fault and partly as a result of the defendant 's fault .
20 Paul Kammerer had unwittingly fallen into an invidious trap , partly as a result of the circumstances of his times and partly as a consequence of the vicious narrow-mindedness that thinkers of every age and generation are prone to in defence of their personal commitment to particular theories .
21 Papal influence over the English church had been significantly eroded during the course of the fifteenth century , partly as a consequence of late fourteenth-century legislation , such as the statutes of Provisors and Praemunire , and partly as a consequence of the international political situation .
22 However , partly by design and partly as a consequence of this difference in the degree of explicitness , the block exemption system has ( arguably ) reduced the incentives of firms to notify the authorities of agreements which contain clauses which might be anticompetitive .
23 2.3 As the nature and number of the learners have changed and partly as a consequence of that change ) , so has the nature of the teaching .
24 Prior to that it had been viewed in terms of an individual 's placatory act of redemption to the deity ( or deities ) and later as a rite of initiation into the tribe , so marking the male 's passage firstly to ordinary , profane existence and secondly to full , public and potentially active membership of society .
25 In fact the Colosseum has suffered less from the depredations of the barbarians and the weathering of time than from its use in the Middle Ages as a fortress and later as a quarry by Renaissance builders ( 91 and 121 ) .
26 Similarly , Violet Markham served first on a school management committee and later as a member of Chesterfield LEA .
27 In counselling , indeed in any of the ‘ talking ’ therapies , tears play an important part , first of all in the release of tension , and later as a way of directing attention to areas which are ‘ tender ’ and might repay exploration .
28 Erm I would like to take advantage of the things that I have actually done myself as a member of the Stansted Airport Consultative Committee and also as a member of Advisory Committee because I am Stansted representative and we meet from time to time and as apart from transport .
29 The diglyceride may be important in promoting membrane fusion of the dense body granule with the platelet-surface membrane and also as a substrate for the formation of prostaglandin endoperoxides and thromboxane A 2 which are powerful degranulation stimuli ( Bell et al , 1979 ) .
30 George attempted a nearly honest living as a part-time thespian , and also as a tutor to the children of wealthy clients .
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