Example sentences of "and [adv] go [adv] to [art] " in BNC.

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1 We talked back and forth and eventually went back to the old Sun studio and did a few tracks down there .
2 Go round into the Industrial Estate turn left your first left and right go right to the end and when you look right there 's nothing
3 The play surrounds and only goes up to the time of Artemesia 's rape .
4 He stayed there , watching it taxi away , and only went out to the cab rank when the plane had actually taken off .
5 Okay has anybody else got anything more on that on that subject ? if we go back for a bit and just go back to the
6 I enrolled for ‘ Art for Beginners ’ and later went down to the centre where the tutor had obtained a model for us from whom to do quick sketches — so I was in at the deep end .
7 Annie nodded and automatically went over to the sink to check that everything was done .
8 Michael , who stands six feet four inches and weighs in at 15 7 stone , beat Scotland 's Colin Brown in the semi-finals of the Amateur Boxing Association Championship at Gateshead Leisure Centre and now goes on to the finals in the Albert Hall , London on May 6 .
9 The constable stayed with John Daubney for the rest of his shift and the signalman appreciated his company , but with no sign of the errant beasts and although both men peered regularly into the darkness and even went down to the lineside and checked , nothing was to be seen .
10 The path goes to the right to reach a stream at a small gorge and then goes slightly to the left to pass Loch an Fhir-bhallaich .
11 The second session begins with a few limbering-up exercises and then goes immediately to the selection .
12 ‘ Ah ! ’ she says , and then goes over to the other side of the shop .
13 He 'd won a bursary to a local grammar school when he was eleven and then gone on to an apprenticeship with an engineering firm which employed a quarter of the town 's local inhabitants .
14 That 's been on a real high and then gone down to a low to nothing .
15 Her daughter wiped her clean , and then went over to the little table and turned on the portable television .
16 The towelling prepared , she made a neat pile of it , and then went over to the large bed , on which four or five persons normally slept .
17 He started his carrier as a lyrics writer and then went on to the Daily Telegraph .
18 Her mother had made some scones and pies in her afternoon leisure and picked some flowers in case the child came back in need of cheering up , so they ate some supper and then went out to the headland .
19 They waited until the lane must surely be empty of funeral guests and then went down to the car .
20 Apricot waited until her exams were over and then went down to the Catholic church and hung about until she met Bernard coming out of confession .
21 ( 31/1/93 ) : Paul Stephen and I went to Richard Newcombe 's to pick up his long ladder to support the roof timbers on Paul 's car and then went down to the carriage and put all the roof on his car roof .
22 One possibility is to choose two or three at a time , as above , and then go on to a few others .
23 In Section 7–2 we start with distortions in the factor market , where returns are not equalized in the two sectors of the economy ( for example , because of a union ‘ premium ’ in the corporate sector ) and then go on to a monopoly mark-up pricing policy .
24 The Colonel will first visit the sub-unit guarding the Signals Regiment based at Ayios Nikolaos , and then go on to the sub-unit at Dhekelia .
25 But when stuff came down the dock to people off , on to a boat , would that be stored in a warehouse first and then go on to the boat or would it be
26 So on a , c just to summarize and , and then go on to the fourteen great achievements .
27 The thumb da , da , yes , but , if you 're in it 's a cord of G , you 'll put a two on the B , final note , and then go up to a five on a G , not a one , it 's better to do that , see if you can try .
28 He would hang about outside and then go up to the grave afterwards and pay his own quiet tribute .
29 Go to the outer door and then go up to the dorms , but do it quietly .
30 We 'll meet here and then go over to the lab together , OK ? ’
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