Example sentences of "and [adv] by the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Is the Minister aware that the proposals for the expansion and development of the Dalzell works have been pursued for many years more consistently and vigorously by the Labour party than by any other party ?
2 Not only are they going to find themselves deliberately and actively squeezed from above and below by the very organisation , the ATP Tour , which is supposed to be protecting and encouraging them but they still have to compete against exhibition events , with open cheque books , for a handful of top players .
3 Denied access to Europe and elsewhere by the Welsh Rugby Union , awaiting a lengthy ban on the international lock Gareth Llewellyn , they battled against Bridgend within the confines of a 20 square yard area .
4 The following report of the Wiesbaden Congress appears in the BDN : The international gathering behaved exactly like any other assembly of deaf people — there in the heart of Germany , the home of oralism , they conversed fluently and easily by the combined method .
5 For a moment she had lain stunned , then had vowed to herself she would be out and away by the next morning .
6 According to Hesiod the age of idle luxury was followed successively by an age of heroes , a silver age , an age of bronze , and finally by the present iron age .
7 This chance can be reduced by arranging the line of the ropes to avoid sharp flakes and vice-like cracks , ensuring the anchor slings are long enough to prevent jamming against the rock , and finally by the first person down testing that the ropes are running freely through the anchors before the others abseil .
8 Meanwhile another method of utilising livestock was explored : the preservation of slaughtered meat , by the traditional methods of salting and drying , by some sort of concentration ( Liebig 's meat extract began to be produced in the River Plate states in 1863 ) , by canning and finally by the decisive device of refrigeration .
9 In June among the initial measures of Cresson 's government were bills providing for ( i ) hospital reform ( designed to tighten government regulations over private components of the national health system , approved by the National Assembly on its first reading on April 29 , by the Senate on June 7 and finally by the National Assembly on June 19 and prompting protests by 60,000-100,000 people on June 11 ) ; ( ii ) tougher penalties for desecrating graves ( approved on June 14 following the desecration of Jewish graves in Carpentras in May 1990 — see p. 37468 ; for earlier legislation against racism see p. 37683 ) ; and ( iii ) restrictions on telephone tapping ( the latter receiving the approval of the National Assembly on June 13 and of the Senate on June 25 ) .
10 These documents were discussed by the whole staff , by governors , and finally by the Senior Management Team , who proposed changes which were again submitted to staff for their views .
11 This growth of manufacturing employment can be explained partly by the quality of rural environment and partly by the changing structure of manufacturing .
12 But clearly from the beginning the stations were included within media conglomerates , partly by government and IBA design and partly by the natural interest of media investors .
13 It had developed largely as a realistic response to a political environment shaped externally by the rules and conventions of public accountability and internally by the central position of doctors .
14 The umbrella was adopted by the Church in the medieval period and later by the European nobility as a kind of moveable canopy of state , similar to that which was suspended over thrones .
15 Commonly , these took the form of monopoly rights , possessed by such early incorporated bodies as the medieval guilds , and later by the overseas trading companies , for example the Merchant Adventurers and the East India Company .
16 Richard Baxter was deeply shocked by this tragedy and also by the general prejudice aroused against him by this incident .
17 Although Ashworth 's suggestion has been backed by a broad coalition of penal reform groups , and also by the Labour Party ( 1990 ) , it has yet to find favour with the judiciary , and was explicitly rejected by the government ( Home Office , 1990a : para. 2.20 ) .
18 These were acknowledged publicly by no less a figure than a former Prime Minister , W.L. MacKenzie King , at the communal celebrations of Lyon 's 60th birthday and his 35th anniversary of engagement in social interests , as well as those of his friend of many years ( to whom Lyon Cohen had diverted the honour of being invited to be the Member of Parliament several years before ) , Sir Samuel W. Jacobs , KC : ‘ Our friend finds himself today , ’ , commented Jacobs , ‘ the acknowledged leader of Jewry in Canada , a position acquired by years of self-denying effort … respected by his own , and also by the larger community in which we dwell . ’
19 This has been prompted by the increasing value of the yen , which has squeezed profit margins on cars exported , and also by the growing threat of protectionism in many countries .
20 You believe we were attacked for the same reason and probably by the same person .
21 Since the call of the Killer whale is no doubt heavily impregnated with its hungry mental intention , these would be understood instinctively and automatically by the young seal or porpoise , since those feelings are also a part of their mind structure .
22 There is little doubt that the work undertaken by the voluntary sector , and often by the independent sector , is of an extremely high quality .
23 He had in that capacity been supplied with a copy of Scott 's report , which was regarded by the government , and particularly by the Foreign Office , as strictly confidential .
24 The basic view to be explored is that the nature of education management is undergoing major change as a result of the Education Reform Acts of 1986 and 1988 — and particularly by the local management of schools and open enrolment elements of the latter .
25 In the case of national trends , fiscal and monetary Policies adopted by the Labour government between 1976 and 1979 and particularly by the Conservative government between 1979 and 1982 had a marked effect on many urban manufacturing companies .
26 The new Renault/Volvo operating company will be 65pc owned directly and indirectly by the French state and 35pc by Volvo , Renault said in a statement released at a joint news conference in Paris .
27 They were indeed all united by a common sense of manual labour and exploitation , and increasingly by the common fate of wage-earning .
28 This was pointed out mathematically in 1908 by W. Weinberg , and independently by the eccentric mathematician G. H. Hardy , who incidentally , as the betting book of his ( and my ) college records , once took a bet from a colleague of ‘ One half penny to his fortune till death , that the sun will rise tomorrow ’ .
29 Politically this was informed by the demands coming from women 's organizations and intellectually by the moralized language of evolutionary science .
30 The timetable for negotiations would include approval of the agreement first by the republican parliaments and then by the Federal Assembly by the beginning of December .
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