Example sentences of "and [adv] [adj] [noun] in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On 11 May 1559 Knox preached his great and wholly inflammatory sermon in St John 's Kirk in Perth , producing mob riot not only in the church itself but also in the Black and Grey Friars and the Carthusian monastery , all of which were sacked .
2 The occasion of Macleod 's fury was the process by which Lord Home had come to be chosen as Leader of the party and thereby Prime Minister in succession to Harold Macmillan .
3 This resulted in high profits and thereby increased investment in industry .
4 ‘ Tell him you are going to dine at Auguste 's before being taken to see La Traviata , ’ Madame instructed , ‘ by one of the richest and most influential men in Boston . ’
5 The first and most crucial step in training children to be social beings takes place when they develop a willingness to do as they are told .
6 Certainly the happiest and most confident period in Firdaus ' life is when she can pick and choose her customers and determine for herself the relationship she will have with them .
7 The result — The Romance of British Wool — will be performed in one of the world 's largest and most prestigious stores in October ( 8–18 ) .
8 It was built for a rich banker in the early sixteenth-century but is more renowned as the home of the Societa del Giardino , the oldest and most prestigious club in Milan which has used the palazzo since 1818 .
9 'But I want you to know tonight , ’ said Martin Luther King in his final and most famous speech in Memphis in 1968 , ‘ that we , as a people will get to the promised land . ’
10 By the age of 35 he had become the youngest president of the largest and most prominent synagogue in Canada ; brilliantly engineered the merging of all the philanthropic societies of Montreal ( ‘ With a view to obtaining the greatest efficiency with the least possible expense and labour , ’ — surely his own life-principle next to his religious and familial devotions ) ; and placed himself in the forefront of the social and economic battles of the period .
11 In fourth place one of the hardest working and most successful trainers in Britain Jack Barry .
12 Reanalysis of childhood mortality data first published in 1988 raises new concerns about the health and circumstances of one of the fastest growing and most disadvantaged groups in society : lone mothers with dependent children who are largely reliant on social security benefits .
13 This is especially the case when the unoccupied group is identified as largely consisting of single parent families dependent on state benefits , one of the fastest growing and most disadvantaged groups in society .
14 Safdarjung was the richest and most powerful man in India ; in all but name he had become an independent ruler .
15 Our results are in agreement with those of Marks and Thompsett who found that the earliest and most frequent finding in patients with pancreatic disease was a decrease in amylase secretion .
16 And one might one might say in six , erm perhaps not avoid but minimize the best and most versatile land in accordance with the provisions of P P G seven .
17 One of the greatest and most typical churches in Holland is that of S. Peter in Leyden ( 542 ) .
18 It pointed to a future in which the hitherto limiting relationship of water transport to the economy could be inverted : now waterways could be brought to favourable sites : " The controlled application of water to industrial and commercial purposes was indeed the basic and most potent technology in Britain 's early economic advancement . "
19 All were of the highest technical calibre and all displayed an extraordinary range of exuberant and exotic motifs , For a few years , until Justinian effectively eclipsed it by his construction of the church of St Sophia in 532–537 , st Polyeuktos was evidently the largest and most sumptuous church in Istanbul ( Constantinople ) .
20 He was fast becoming the most sought after and most beloved interviewee in Britain .
21 Men 's fashion often gets overlooked in the race to predict the latest and most fashionable trends in womens ' clothes .
22 One of the friendliest and most popular bars in Stockaree .
23 The building of Winston Grange , containing the first flush lavatory in Suffolk , proved a triumph , for in 1860 the third incumbent , a Reverend Mundiford Allen , became one of the best and most loved vicars in East Anglia , and although he died and was buried here in 1910 , stories of his virtue and kindness are still rife .
24 SCO 's newest and most difficult market in Europe is Spain .
25 The largest and most well-equipped hotel in Alghero , the Baia Dei Conte is a real luxury hotel .
26 He will be fortunate to receive a similar service this evening against some of the toughest and most knowledgeable defenders in Europe .
27 Maybe next year , we 'll wonder why we ever liked it , but today it 's one of the queerest and most exciting things in pop .
28 Despite being one of the commonest and most widespread birds in Britain , until recently it had not been studied in detail .
29 ONCE THE hippest and most respected writer in America , Mailer 's stock has fallen since the early '70s , a trend not helped by his disastrous relationship with Hollywood .
30 In this he is at one with most Christian Democrats and most Social Democrats in Europe today .
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