Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb base] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Directly or indirectly we could ‘ ask ’ him/her , but our requirement is that an observer acting at a distance can observe what a pupil does and thence infer satisfaction in response .
2 The Danish government successfully sponsored a proposal originating with US conservationist groups , but opposed by the US government , to list the black bear in Appendix II and thereby limit trade in bear gall bladders ( which , like rhino horn and other exotic products , were used in oriental traditional medicine ) .
3 Elsewhere socialist parties have had to compete in multiparty and proportional electoral systems and usually share power in government .
4 Always study the instructions supplied , try out your stove before setting out , and always keep safety in mind .
5 The teacher must also be completely familiar with the game being played and also show fairness in scoring .
6 That there is such a huge volume of uncopyrighted audio and particularly video material in circulation has been a point of issue for the US administration in their summits with the Kremlin government and resulted in a boycott by the US film companies of the recent Moscow Film Festival .
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