Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb pp] to [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had been very ill and suddenly taken to hospital without Darren 's knowing why .
2 The Russians were interested in and finally converted to Christianity at the end of the tenth century and from this time onwards their ecclesiastical architecture was based on that of Constantinople while the churches were , in many cases , built and decorated by Byzantine craftsmen .
3 In the novel itself we meet the Russian people , the folk , only once , and then as inflictors of suffering , in Raskolnikov 's half-dream ( which is also half-memory ) of a little mare being tortured and finally clubbed to death by drunken peasants .
4 Rain knew Oliver was picturing himself back in the wine bar in Chelsea telling everyone how he 'd been mistaken for a drug dealer and nearly done to death in a Mediterranean backstreet by an underworld rival .
5 They are expelled from the second city they visit ( Acts 13:51 ) , plotted against at the next ( Acts 14:5 ) , and nearly stoned to death at Lystra ( Acts 14:19 ) .
6 Oh yes , if Greg had been around when the storm broke he 'd have faced ruin — and probably gone to gaol into the bargain .
7 ‘ We have never worked out what the chemistry is , but the audiences liked it and we realised ‘ Hey , we 've got something here ’ and really set to work on it .
8 Relations between the Thai and Myanman armies were especially close and reportedly extended to co-operation in business dealings and in the suppression of ethnic insurgency along their common border .
9 Prisoners had also been killed , including several dozen at Bubanza Gendarmerie who were gagged and then beaten to death with pieces of pipe .
10 It was too early for me to be a Yuckie — the tabloid newspapers ' shorthand for the young city slickers who celebrated the end of a day 's trading with too much lager and then reverted to type as the football hooligans they really were under the skin .
11 In the meantime , the injured driver and GAB workers were attended to by a first aider by GAB and then sent to hospital by ambulance .
12 The whole company was arrested and held and then transferred to gaol in London , where Nayler was tried .
13 The interaction between SENSS teachers and class teachers as they work together with the class and as they exchange information is a great improvement on the situation which pertained in the days when remedial groups were withdrawn and then returned to class with a total absence or communication .
14 Arms salesman ; okay the Avenger the Equaliser the Total Fucking Nutter went for the legs too but still , and the editor spiked , and the rapist-lenient judge raped and the pornographer poisoned and stroked and the man who was so callous about the bloodshed in the Iran/Iraq war forced to watch his penned animals die like cattle like soldiers like cattle and then bled to death in his own private fountains of blood and the businessman who put profits before safety and not only helped kill a thousand people but then tried to get out of paying the survivors and dependants any compensation gets his own gas explosion — blevey is the technical term apparently — and fuck me whoever he is ( assuming he is a he ) , he 's got a sense of humour or at least irony why he 's produced what 's almost a snuff video effectively a snuff video if you mean brain-death anyway it 's the closest anyone will admit to ever having seen or found one even the Obscene Pubs Squad who 've been looking for years but although everybody assumes they exist nobody 's ever seen one until old gorilla man comes along and just makes his own , specifically to warn off any other porn merchants thinking of dealing in snuff !
15 The reactions were performed in the absence ( - ) or presence ( + ) of DNA and then subjected to SDS-PAGE with subsequent autoradiography .
16 Both reactions were performed in the presence of DNA and then subjected to SDS-PAGE with subsequent autoradiography .
17 Both reactions were performed in the presence of DNA and then subjected to SDS-PAGE with subsequent autoradiography .
18 The intellectual and emotional leader of that original collective was Fred Newman , a Korean war veteran , who had grown up in the Bronx , held a PhD in the philosophy of science from Stanford and abruptly turned to Marxism in the mid-1960s .
19 Often such matters have never been previously talked about and instead left to fester in bad relationships , complaining , negative attitudes and lack of drive .
20 Methylated bile acids were produced by reaction at room temperature for one hour and subsequently evaporated to dryness under nitrogen .
21 Marie-Helène Joiret , a council member in Flémalle , who was with Cools , was shot in the abdomen and subsequently taken to hospital in a serious condition .
22 Officials there are regularly and publicly taken to task at conservation meetings in Britain and abroad over Britain 's absence from the convention .
23 We felt , however , that coronal imaging might give more detailed information regarding the anatomical detail of the antropyloric region and therefore attempted to image in the coronal plane using reorientation of the nuclear magnetic resonance signals by signal processing methods .
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