Example sentences of "and [adv] [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Ever since , it has remained a popular favourite — surely the most popular of all major orchestral work by a native Englishman , and widely regarded as the very essence of the spirit of England .
2 Another trial carried out in New Zealand , and widely quoted in the medical literature , apparently failed to find any link between the mother 's diet and colic in breast-fed babies .
3 Yet paradoxically Makarenko 's educational theories were to be taken up , approved , and widely publicized in the Stalinist period .
4 A perfectly rational case can be made for the merchant to be carefully and conspicuously established as the innocent and undeserving victim of a conspiracy between his wife and the monk .
5 A complete set of software tools to aid the physical mapping of a genome has been developed and successfully applied to the genomic mapping of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe .
6 It is exclusively produced in tropical countries and mostly consumed in the industrialized North .
7 Their performance of Mozart 's Concerto in E flat for two pianos was beautifully judged and finely controlled , fiery and dramatic in the virtuoso display sections of the opening Allegro , delicate and ornate in the slow movement , and thrillingly accomplished in the brilliant Rondo .
8 It , too , split with the Roman orthodoxy and eventually coalesced into the Coptic Church .
9 Departments ' spending plans , which were bargained over and eventually published in the annual public expenditure White Papers , were expressed in constant prices or ‘ volume terms ’ .
10 The presentation was smoothly and effectively done by the experienced PR company which Garth Enterprises employed .
11 Outlawed by Stalin in 1946 because of suspected links with Ukrainian nationalism , and forcibly incorporated into the Russian Orthodox Church , the Uniate Church had continued in secret .
12 Pollitt argues that the model of medical audit promulgated by the leaders of the profession was designed to ensure that the process was " a nonthreatening activity carried out only by doctors and rigorously protected from the public gaze " ( Pollitt 1992 : 4 ) .
13 Indeed , when he left , the students presented Mayhew with a microscope so that he could carry on ‘ with his investigations of structures , a subject of vast importance , but hitherto untaught and little known in the Veterinary College ’ .
14 Bessie 's opinions on how babies should be cared for were given freely to Carrie and duly ignored by the young mother , who was aware that Bessie had never had children of her own .
15 An item in store and rarely seen by the public falls within the protected subject- matter : Durkin [ 1973 ] QB 786 ( CA ) .
16 The strong sense of community between living and dead expressed in the frequent injunction in wills to pray for the soul of the deceased and to endow a priest for this specific purpose witnesses to a feeling for a purpose in existence beyond that of material well-being .
17 But it was also the year that the class structure of the underground , under pressure from a voracious music industry , ensured that a sizeable enclosure was partitioned off , in front of the stage , for the great and expensively attired of the new aristocracy .
18 It was through this hedge that the naive teenager was dragged unconscious , beaten some more , and brutally raped on the tidy lawn of a smart bungalow .
19 J. Percy Bruce chose for his equivalent ‘ law ’ , and so incorporated into the Neo-Confucian terminology itself the wrong answer to the question ‘ Are there laws of nature in China ? ’ , a misunderstanding which Joseph Needham in elucidating the concepts of Chinese science had to analyse at length .
20 In 1305 the abbot of Thorney in the Fens complained that the abbot of Peterborough ‘ lately by night raised a dyke across the high road ’ , and so cut off the former 's access to corn and pasture .
21 One section of the New Left allied itself to the black working class who were demanding civil rights , and so acted against the narrow interests of the professional-managerial class .
22 These institutions are among some 200 ‘ unverified and lost ’ , and so excluded from the 11th edition of the Directory of British Associations , just out .
23 She described a recent visit to her local Samaritans ' branch , where a voluntary worker told her that they received telephone calls from teenagers who were ‘ so filled with fear , and so depressed by the constant threat of a nuclear accident ’ that they had to be deterred from committing suicide .
24 The group was built from nothing by Gedge and brilliantly nurtured without the sickening prevarication involved in most of pop 's success stories .
25 But samples of the new species discovered in colonized territories were routinely brought back to be described , classified and perhaps displayed in the great European museums and zoological gardens .
26 From the answers a narrative history can be written , and perhaps published in the local press or parish magazine , full credit ( with photographs ) being given to the people who provided all the information .
27 As the law is complex to apply in some cases where the notice period needs to be calculated and perhaps added to the three months limit or , as in the Sen case , the adviser simply got the calculation of the three months wrong , the claim should be presented and the Tribunal asked to consider the facts before exercising its discretion .
28 The third response is more enlightened and less grounded in the liberal fixation with genetic and pathological explanations of deficiency when it comes to deprivation .
29 His detailed and systematic accumulation of electoral information provided him with an unsurpassed knowledge of constituencies and candidates and greatly contributed to the efficient Conservative organization which triumphed in 1841 .
30 But it 's a worthy attempt nevertheless and greatly assisted by the voluminous recording quality .
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