Example sentences of "and [vb base] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Both have washed rinds and a firm texture and tend to have the washed rind garage-cheese smell , as described in the section on soft cheeses ( p69 ) .
2 Cash crops are always ‘ extractive ’ and tend to lower the overall fertility of the farm .
3 The beautiful ones wear ornate regional head-dresses , chime bells and yodel to welcome the New Year , while nature mummers appear in costumes of pine-cones , moss and snail shells .
4 This , he told her , was Italy 's great chance , far greater than in '48 , to rid herself of the foreign oppressor and unite to form a great power .
5 Doubling of the melody can also be used in accompaniments of a different kind , where all other parts are independent of the theme and unite to form a separate entity .
6 It can therefore provide collectively a formidable knowledge of the University and bring to bear an enormous fund of experience .
7 I am a non-executive director of a listed company and intend to sell a small part of my shareholding to meet personal commitments as soon as the company has announced its final results .
8 But the situation was now so critical , and the time for restoring confidence so short , that , very reluctantly , I agreed that each Party must sink its political programme temporarily and combine to pursue an economic policy to save the nation from bankruptcy .
9 ‘ There has n't been a white champion for such a long time and I think a lot of people are looking toward that and want to see a white champion . ’
10 It is not a good model for human relations , and some of the people who are aflame with political zeal and want to put the entire world to rights are in fact hell to live with .
11 Ian Donohue who helped to design the tour t-shirt said : ‘ We will be the first intake of graduates into industry in the 1993 and want to take a first-hand look at what 's happening with the single market . ’
12 And you put up with his way of making decisions for you , even if , one day , you wake up and want to wear the green skirt he hates , watch Morse which he ca n't stand …
13 She tells him For Women have been swamped with fan mail and want to do a contemporary shoot .
14 Beginners ' German may contain 11-year-olds and 17-year-olds ( and , it is to be hoped , people who have long left school , and want to start a new language ) .
15 ‘ I have inherited a pub full of history and want to know a little bit more about it , ’ he said .
16 In turn , clients ' expectations are growing ; they are more informed , more knowledgeable about the process , much more likely to adopt an open style , and want to know the key facts , expecting a high level of overall professionalism .
17 Because personal power is the promotion of self , we send positive data on ourselves up the hierarchy and forget to send the negative data — that is , we tell our superiors how good we are .
18 The efforts of those like Gosse and Agassiz to make a definite theory out of the doctrine of Creation helped to show the value of an alternative approach ; evolution might be made scientific .
19 In short , distance from the equator , winds , lay-out and height of continents , soil chemistry , past history , animals , plants , human history , and time and chance combine and interact to produce the particular set of conditions in any one place .
20 Pour in the sand and skim to produce a level surface .
21 They look rather like elongated jellyfish and appear to have no structural virtues .
22 Married since college , they run a highly successful advertising business and appear to have the perfect marriage .
23 What we are left with is a disagreeable story tinged with Joe Orton 's misogyny and urge to puncture the frail facade of petit bourgeois respectability .
24 The flying club and bar offers a friendly greeting and place to pay the small landing fee .
25 It would be a mad gamble of course , to launch an invasion from a European port and hope to evade the British fleet .
26 GKR are trying to make the business an international one by opening in Japan and in Germany , and hope to build an international business of wholly-owned subsidiaries of GKR .
27 [ On ] our hypothesis the ego instincts arise from the coming to life of inanimate matter and seek to restore the inanimate state .
28 But he insisted that there was no alternative if Hungary was to gain the confidence of the international credit institutions and seek to heal the economic crisis .
29 This is because both agencies are fighting for a larger share of the available budget and seek to create a good impression by producing the most frightening scenario .
30 How can the right hon. Gentleman stand at the Dispatch Box and seek to justify the untrammelled entry of coal imports into Britain , which is flinging thousands of miners out of work and at the same time digging a hole for the economic morass in our balance of payments ?
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