Example sentences of "and [vb base] [v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Most controversially , they recommended stronger police powers to search and arrest brothel-keepers and make soliciting on the streets illegal .
2 Their Majesties mount the platform and remain standing under a canopy , having on their right the ministers , marshals , admirals and the Court officers ; on their left are the Empress 's ladies and facing them , the diplomatic body .
3 Enter The Miser , Moliere 's play about greed and deceit revolving around the avarice of old scoundrel Harpagon .
4 We wake and sleep according to the sun 's cycle , and research is showing that celestial rhythms still control many other areas of our life .
5 They became involved in dismantling pipework , hydro testing and flange testing on the Eagle platform .
6 He graduated with first class honours in oil technology from Imperial College London and his early career was spent with Amoco and Shell working in the UK , Netherlands , Guyana and Australia .
7 Although there are special fittings to allow washing machine waste pipes to be connected to the sink waste , the best way of plumbing in a washing machine is to make a permanent connection to the pipes in the kitchen for the water supply and to fit a stand pipe and trap leading through a hole in the outside wall for the waste pipe .
8 Just before noon George heard his mother 's pony and trap coming down the road .
9 I spot a pony and trap running along the coast road and point it out to my son who is interested in such things .
10 It was a strange sound , that united wail — continuous , pitiful , strong — like a great sigh or murmur of vague desire and hope issuing from the heart of despair , piercing the gloom and murky atmosphere of that vaulted room , and reaching to the heart of God .
11 Maybe the smoker will realise how disgusting his habit is when he hopefully decides to kick it once and for all and stop relying on the NHS as a safety net .
12 My Lady Dedlock ( who is childless ) , looking out in the early twilight from her boudoir at a keeper 's lodge , and seeing the light of a fire upon the latticed panes , and smoke rising from the chimney , and a child , chased by a woman , running out into the rain to meet the shining figure of a wrapped-up man coming through the gate , has been put quite out of temper .
13 When he refused , Mr Reynolds climbed off the engine and watched it fall through the bridge on to the car , steam and smoke erupting from the cab as it did so .
14 Cleared by the military Ohakea Control to climb into their airspace I coaxed a Grumman AA5 up to 11,000 feet , to look down into the crater lake of Mount Ruapehu , 9,175 feet high , to see steam and smoke coming from the crater within the torn and shattered peak of 6,517 foot Mount Tongariro ( whose last major eruption was only a dozen or so years back ) and to fly around the perfectly symmetrical cone of Mount Ngauruhoe .
15 You go through and stand listening to the rain and the wind , and — just audible — the noise of a man breathing slowly and rhythmically in the bed .
16 In Winter we 're digging and in summer we eat outside as much as possible and enjoy looking at the fruits of our labour . "
17 ‘ We all think maintenance is as important as landscaping , and enjoy looking after the gardens we have made , ’ she adds .
18 6 Individual voters are rational and informed ; they have an appreciation of their own best interests ; and so they give the parties programatic support and vote according to the parties ' past or prospective action in office in the light of their own knowledge and interests .
19 A complete insight into how Northampton 's local evening newspaper is produced and the chance to see the Chronicle and Echo rolling off the presses .
20 Unless they become tribesmen when they acquire national membership they will lack those affiliations and loyalties below the level of nation which are identical in kind to national loyalty , and which sustain and give meaning to the existence of born Libyans : a system which derives nationhood from family and tribe does not easily accommodate immigrants .
21 ( Ullman 's work is thus closer to the spirit of Kant , and may be thought of as an attempt to articulate the intuitions and categories of space which structure and give meaning to the input stimulus . )
22 The Jockey Club yesterday announced plans to maintain its Sunday racing campaign by sanctioning a mixed meeting of flat and jump racing at the Surrey track .
23 Adoption prices start at £20 per year and vary according to the species concerned ; some are more ‘ value for money ’ than others .
24 As understood by Schutz , ‘ recipes ’ are standardized guide-lines for behaviour which are adopted as a matter of course , and vary depending upon the type of situation .
25 Since The Band Wagon is arguably the greatest — as well as most typical — of all musicals ( if we exclude The Chronicle of Anna Magdalena Bach , 1968 , as non-eligible and demote Singin' in the Rain , 1952 , to second place ) , one can only wish there were more of it .
26 ‘ Slow down , take care and drive according to the conditions .
27 In 1792 Whitbread stressed his commitment to ‘ a cool and moderate proceeding in the course of justice and humanity ’ .
28 Comdex/Spring in Chicago last week was for all intents and purposes a Microsoft Corp event , all the energy and sparkle belonging to the Windows World side of the house , OS/2 being a footsore also-ran and Unix not even showing up for the race .
29 At 70 , Nancy is now less stable on her feet than in her younger days , and find standing at the canvas while demonstrating , quite a strain .
30 Gradually whisk the juice into the double cream and continue whisking until the cream rethickens .
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