Example sentences of "and [vb base] [adv] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Just as we might buy a new outfit , then take it home and change out of the old and into the new , so Paul likens the complete change needed if we are to live as followers of Christ .
2 By contrast , the G cells are not detectable until 18 weeks of gestation and develop entirely within the anatomical antrum .
3 I do like she says , and sit there with the damp towel round my neck and wait for her to come back .
4 Again , change hands , push the tiller to where you were sitting , watch for the boom , as it swings across , straighten up and sit down on the new side .
5 Should you decide to stick to sherry and branch out into the heavier aloroso you will have a thick head tomorrow and we will have an entertaining evening . ’
6 We carried a medical team with vehicles and back up for the medical team .
7 They raise them to shoulder level , and back off from the small crowd .
8 Musically — forget it , but the spot effects are great and make up for the poor acoustic tones .
9 A disconsolate group of climbers sitting round a kitchen table all lean forward and peer out at the iron-grey clouds rumbling past .
10 And land up in the same condition as you did ?
11 A good agency interviewer will look through it and pick up on the same gaps and discrepancies which will appear to the job interviewer but will not be looking with any one particular job in mind .
12 The effect of evacuation was to flood the dark places with light and bring home to the national consciousness that the ‘ submerged tenth ’ described by Charles Booth still exists in our towns like a hidden sore , poor , dirty and crude in its habits , an intolerable and degrading burden to decent people forced by poverty to neighbour with it .
13 Trim them back , dead-head regularly and bring in before the first frosts and you should have flowers for months to come
14 Van Gogh 's life has so often been made the subject of literary treatment that the art historian is strongly inclined to leave the biographical matter severely alone and concentrate exclusively on the artistic aspect .
15 Rosalba felt that if only she could stop blinking and concentrate totally on the sweet and grieving countenance of the Madonna of the Spasm , she would catch the fleeting flutter of her eyelids and twitch of her lips as she granted Rosa 's prayer .
16 Left : The Regency dining table and chairs were bought at auction and combine well with the Georgian desk
17 The dawg will diverge from the node at the end of the head string , and converge again at the first node of the tail string .
18 Charles Fleming and I had a chance to look around the beautiful shops , and eat out at the RED SEA PALACE HOTEL ( pure magic by the way ) .
19 But the scent was so fresh , it was obvious the beasts would be unwilling to leave for a while , so Grant decided to ignore them and push on with the next stage of their operation .
20 This can be steep , making progress forward difficult — you have to hold one wheel and push hard on the other just to stop yourself from rolling down it .
21 I 'll tell you another thing , whatever the Spitting Images say about John he pays his money , he does n't grab his bermuda shorts and a wristwatch and fly off to the sunny islands .
22 The story of some of these presses is a fascinating one to follow , as the printers surreptitiously pull off their pamphlets and broadsides in some kitchen or remote country house , load up and press on to the next location , with an eye ever over their shoulder for the pursuers .
23 Press seam allowance to the wrong side on the lining and notch out in the same way .
24 Your safety , and your security and my safety and security in life does not depend on how pleasant my ways are and how pleasant my paths are how much I manage to amass , and how I can overcome all the little difficulties and problems and steer clear of the big ones the security and safety of my life , now and in eternity , security is there in the boat and lying with him .
25 Antarctic mosses have survived three years in darkness at -15°C ( conditions that might occur under long-lasting snow-drifts ) and grow readily in the miniature greenhouses that form under thin snow or translucent ice .
26 Minutes later we are heading for a small island group north of Vengsøya , to round that and head on for the next .
27 As they finally leave the city and head out for the open road , Billy the Kid says , ‘ We made it , did n't we ? ’
28 It 's not only the alcohol that 's suffered from self-enforced cutbacks : the Franks ( ironically enough ) used to be a Martini band — any gig , any town , any night , they 'd pack their guitars and socks and head off into the Tranzophobic sunset , until exhaustion fully reared its head and the heart decided that home was definitely the place to be .
29 Ranulf sprang up , pleased to abandon the fresh air of the country and head back to the seamy streets of London and the rounded pleasure-giving body of Mistress Semplar .
30 Whales that migrate annually to polar seas enter the cold regions in early spring with very thin blubber , and fatten markedly during the polar summer .
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