Example sentences of "and [det] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If we assume that the monetary authorities set the size of the nominal money supply and that for the moment the price level is fixed at , then the supply of real cash balances can also be illustrated in the figure .
2 The profit per tonne in Aegina is falling , because trimming the trees and picking the nuts is a laborious business that modern workers can insist on being paid more for , and much of the water the trees need has to be brought in from the mainland .
3 The British response was to blockade the main French fleet in Brest , and all through the summer the Channel Fleet under Hawke stayed at sea waiting for the French to come out .
4 So I did — and all of a sudden a man with a gun grabbed me round the neck and dragged me off .
5 parked behind , but then somebody else came and parked in front of him , and he was there and sort , you could see him looking you know , he looked at the driveway and he looked , he was looking in his rear view mirror and then he turned round and looked like this , then he looked at the front , and he was thinking my god I ca n't get out of here , and all of a sudden a little car comes up the road stops , goes beep , beep on the horn , wan na get in the drive , this bloke went ha , ha , ha , ha and he could n't do anything
6 Two engines and propellers had been removed from the aircraft and all of a sudden the nose lifted and she went down on her tail .
7 It creeps up insidiously ; it creeps up step by step ; and all of a sudden the unfortunate citizen realizes that [ freedom ] has gone …
8 With no uniform but an armband and all but no weapons , we kept watch in rotation through the warm nights of that early summer , with German planes passing overhead and all of a sudden the ground shuddering from bombs dropped on Southampton or Bristol .
9 I wrote to this lot up here , and questioned it , and all of a sudden the ball starts bouncing , somebody starts supporting Fulham .
10 I 'd been sexually abused and all of a sudden the poison that had been there for years started boiling to the surface .
11 Then I did n't anticipate , I was yanked out of the back of the court , I 'd gone there to see some proceedings with people I was involved with and all of a sudden the barrister for the defendant said , is a Mr in court ?
12 Horses at the top of the pecking order will have the highest self-esteem , and those at the bottom the lowest .
13 Lately there has been a move towards counting the twenty-four hours in a single progression from 00.00 , representing midnight , to 23.59 , the figures on the left of the punctuating point being the hours and those to the right the minutes .
14 Also , there has to be strict rules for visitors ' feeding of the animals and most of the time no feeding of this kind is allowed .
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