Example sentences of "and [vb pp] back [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Had it not been for the activities of Lady Laetitia 's lover , bold Sir Rupert Cartland ( played by an odious young actor who 'd risen to prominence by playing a tough naval lieutenant in a television series ) making with the garlic and the wooden stakes ( a bit of vampire lore crept into the script ) , Lady Laetitia and her father would have been turned into zombies and carried back to the subterranean cave , where they would never be heard of again .
2 ‘ The Salmon 's Return ’ lay a quarter of a mile up-river , and dated back to the early seventeenth century , a long , low , white-painted house on a terrace cunningly clear of the flood level of the Comer , and with ideal fishing water for some hundreds of yards on either side of it .
3 That is , inner cities are perceived as ‘ deviant communities ’ , areas which need to be turned around and brought back into the mainstream , a mainstream that requires little or no restructuring or reform .
4 In Type I disease , the calves have usually been set-stocked in one area for several moths ; in contrast , Type II disease often has a typical history of calves being grazed on a field from spring to mid-summer , then moved and brought back to the original field in the autumn .
5 By mid-season Lotus had given up and gone back to the 72 .
6 With c = 5.7 the flow is chaotic : the flow forms a single spiral embedded in a disc , with trajectories from the outer part of the spiral twisted , and folded back into the inner part of the spiral , forming a Mobius band .
7 Daine had been caught and convicted back in the real world .
8 It could n't go forward , but reversed slowly down the lane , turned around in a field gateway and headed back to the main road .
9 So we left the remote mountains of the north and west and headed back towards the central highlands and Mount Kenya , the main objective of our visit .
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