Example sentences of "and [vb pp] out [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had packed and checked out of the hotel without seeing either of the two brothers or her cousin .
2 Grigoriev bowed and hastened out of the room .
3 Reason had grown wings and flown out of the window , but she knew that she had to recapture it or else give in to him , and live to regret her weakness .
4 He and his friends would have me scoffed and hounded out of the county rather than see my house completed .
5 This was funded by the Van Leer Foundation in the Hague and carried out under the aegis of the Child Development Unit in Bristol University .
6 And in fact the there , most of the traffic calming is actually being paid for and carried out by the developer for that scheme .
7 The WARM ( Waste As Raw Material ) report was commissioned by the Gateway supermarket chain and carried out by the Land Bank consultancy .
8 The research was supported by WACC and carried out by the Centre for Artistic and Cultural Research ( ceneca ) with the aim of encouraging TV networks to carry programmes that would improve the quality of young people 's lives and thereby enhance their contribution to national life .
9 The General Household Survey is conducted annually , and the Family Expenditure Survey and New Earnings Survey are commissioned by government departments and carried out by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys .
10 When she had eventually plucked up her courage and looked out of the window , she had been entranced by the views from the carriage and the speed of travel .
11 Freeing herself from his arms , she picked up the coffee pot and whisked out of the kitchen before he could take hold of her again .
12 you see we have to be a bit careful because what happens if we closed down right and transferred out to the field
13 The keeper got up and minced out of the room .
14 He 'd bundled the tack on , and trotted out of the yard trying to make the pony keep up .
15 Thus adjured , Hector jumped off the bed with a short bark and trotted out of the room .
16 The long flats , like the rounds , offer versatility : much colour can be loaded on the brush and drawn out over the painting surface , or shorter dabs can easily be applied and manipulated without the brush hairs giving way .
17 Sean recalled : ‘ I suddenly found myself on the same side as the shark and got out of the water as fast as I could .
18 I was taking out my fury on a bit of practical work last Saturday — painting the front gate posts — and he stopped , and got out of the car and introduced himself .
19 The first two weekends of the 1977 season were for Mario anyway marred by accidents : in Argentina the nose-mounted fire extinguisher exploded , and in Brazil he found himself sitting in a pool of petrol and got out of the car while it was still moving just as his cockpit went up in flames .
20 Susan had her chauffeur draw into a space beside City Hall marked RESERVED , and got out of the car .
21 One passenger decided that the driver was drunk and got out of the car .
22 Dad was not prepared to stand any more and got out of the chair into which he had just flopped .
23 ‘ Thank you , ’ snorted Clare in as ungrateful a manner as she could manage , swept her copy contemptuously off the desk , and stalked out of the room with a moderately successful attempt at dignity .
24 ‘ No , just uncouth , ’ sneered Dominic , and stalked out of the room .
25 Bruno turned and stalked out of the room , then came back and pointed the Luger at Maxim once more and said Yes , there was a taxi waiting .
26 ‘ Come on chaps , we 'll have some fun here , ’ shouted the goat and bounded out of the window .
27 Oh yes , if everybody would have stayed out they would never had a scrap of slate made there , everybody would have stayed out and stayed out till the end , and not a scrap of slate would have been made there .
28 He went out on to the landing , opened a window , and called out to the crowd : ‘ What do you want ? who are you ? ’
29 Nevertheless he pulled it on and padded out onto the landing .
30 Old Donald looked at her , shocked and her son straightened as though lashed and flung out of the house .
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