Example sentences of "and [adv] [pron] [verb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I belong to the Duke of Gloucester Trust and eventually I persuaded the officials to try fitting one of my whistles .
2 I swallow , throat dry , tears finally coming into my eyes and eventually I squeeze the words out :
3 And suddenly he took the rumours and put them on like a coat .
4 We would rather have gone somewhere else if that was what we wanted ; it was n't quite right somehow and so we painted the windows up again . )
5 A majority of the Group agreed with Professor Stubbs , and so we retained the examples , though with additional explanatory material .
6 And so he turns the Galatians to think about Jesus Christ .
7 This scene reveals that Macbeth is now feeling insecure and paranoid about losing the kingship and so he consults the witches as to what will happen to him .
8 And so I see the fathers in the park or the supermarket with their little charges and I am jealous .
9 She nearly gave in to the temptation to open it straight away , but the kettle was almost boiling and so she pushed the cards and letters to one side while she spooned coffee and sugar into a mug .
10 A worthy father should pass the tests of strength and endurance , and so she rewards the efforts of those who are still fit enough to subdue and defend her at the end of the arduous rut .
11 We ca n't go on paying ourselves that sort of money , we ca n't go on , and Mr I know in a minute we 'll talk about the number of people who attend committee meetings erm and sit in on them , and that 's increased considerably , erm , so I think it 's important that we do get down to this problem , we grasp the nettle , and I , I believe that will mean that we start to look seriously at reducing the number of times members come and talk here , and perhaps we let the officers get on with the action that they should be getting on with
12 It makes it difficult to identify clearly and authoritatively what constitute the provisions of the Constitution .
13 But it 's lasted about seven year , so you never can organ but once we did start I did enjoy the ones over here because over there when your kids were small you did n't go out much anyway but now that your kids are up you 've got it , and personally I enjoyed the ones that started but they do n't have Christmas dance , barn dances and things like this , they do n't org we have to have to organize like that ourself .
14 Hidden by her handmaids she is seen to blush , then turns to Actaeon and throws water in his face to blind him , to stop him seeing her naked , but that is not enough and she knows it is not enough , and soon he feels the horns growing on his forehead , dat sparso capiti vivacis cornus cervis , she caused to grow on his head the horns of the long-lived stag , as if the cost of seeing her naked had to be death , first metamorphosis then death .
15 The issues that they raise are complex , and procedurally they affect the responsibilities of a large number of bodies , both in Government and outside it .
16 The problems start , however , once we move on to consider just what rights should be included in any Bill ; once we consider the difficulties of implementation ; and once we assess the implications of any such legally enforced code and written constitution for the functioning of our system especially as these things involve the position of the elected government and the judges .
17 I never ceased to be astounded by how quickly and thoroughly he absorbed the notes I gave him . ’
18 Firstly it is good for our health since it strengthens the heart , secondly it burns up extra calories and helps to increase our metabolic rate , and thirdly it improves the contours of our body .
19 Residents say too many learner drivers are taking lessons in their streets , and now they want the L-plates moved on .
20 They 've been trying to get the police on the cheap for too long , and blaming us , and now I think the tables are very reversed .
21 He saw a Population Apocalypse approaching and now he claims the wheels of disaster are beginning to turn in Britain .
22 ‘ But he was rocked by the publicity surrounding his unfortunate involvement with the recent BCCI bank crash and now he hits the headlines because of his kindness to Mr Mellor . ’
23 But then here we are twenty thirty years on and those of us who had that upbringing about the purity of that Royal Family that 's suddenly been confronted with this image that 's anything but that and you know and I 'm , and I , and it 's been and now you have the tabloids saying giving you pictorial evidence of its any , any but that and so that whole erm image , view that a lot of Britons grew up with has gone , it 's been
24 The review may be evaluated generally by how effectively and efficiently it met the objectives set out in Document 1 , on the basis of which it had been negotiated .
25 Yeah they 're all nice nice girls you know this is like the other week we was here playing the other team and one of the other team was swearing you know , and particularly you know the girls in , might have not they have the they used to play for Black Bear and you know the that lady that 's up there , she still swears and we stopped her from here used to f this , f that and f the other , we did , we stopped her said if you ca n't find a better word than that to use I should n't bother , you know As you know Shirl do n't like that .
26 And here they had the intellectuals as the leaders which they had got to have .
27 About time someone did — And here we have the remains of King John 's Castle . ’
28 And here he asks the victims and the adulterers searching questions in a voice that ca n't fail to get results .
29 After going a couple of hundred yards over open ground , the road entered very thick forest , and here I made the men walk in front while I brought up the rear .
30 His brows drew into a grim frown and immediately she wished the words unsaid as he dragged a hand wearily across his forehead .
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