Example sentences of "and [adv] [prep] a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Such people are radically opposed to the idea of sociologists conducting research on the police and long for a return to a ‘ golden age ’ when the proverbial veil of secrecy surrounded police work .
2 There is a move by many environmental agencies both in Mexico and elsewhere for a return to traditional forms of agriculture , as they are considered to be better for the environment .
3 On two occasions he used the word " Jew " as a pejorative adjective — once in a letter to John Quinn , dated 12 March 1923 , and once in a letter to Ezra Pound , dated 31 October 1917 .
4 Contracting out by local authorities has increased under the Conservative government — partly voluntarily and partly as a response to changes in the law requiring them to do so for certain activities .
5 On the other hand , Political Union was conceived late in the day , partly in response to the dramatic changes in Central Europe and partly as a complement to EMU designed to placate , if not to satisfy , the European Parliament and those favouring its strengthening .
6 George attempted a nearly honest living as a part-time thespian , and also as a tutor to the children of wealthy clients .
7 Most horsemen in Suffolk did not powder the bone but used it whole and also as a device to jade and not to draw the horse .
8 I have made this broad but brief review of the development of provision for special needs partly to remind us of how much improvement has been achieved and also as a background to the rest of the paper .
9 As King ( 1977 ) shows in his major study of land reform in most parts of the world , altering the patterns of land ownership , inheritance and use has been seen by many as a necessary part of the search for more productive use of land , and hence as a solution to the endemic poverty which characterizes so much of the world :
10 Therefore , people who suffer from intellectual impairment may be unable to acquire adequate knowledge and to respond quickly and appropriately to a threat to safety .
11 He certainly liked Alix , and after the demo he took her off for lunch in a pub and then for a walk to his room in King 's , where he showed her his pots and his paintings .
12 ‘ I 'd better get the glucose testing kit , ’ she mumbled as she edged towards the French window that led into the breakfast-room and then along a passage to the suite of rooms used by Faye and Bill .
13 — There was no way , though , she was going to step into that pit : Simon 's warning , ‘ Making a fool of you — not as daft as you think — making a fool of you , ’ replayed again and again like a commentary to the pictures in her head .
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