Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was far safer politically and economically to sit on the scientific fence .
2 It was through this hedge that the naive teenager was dragged unconscious , beaten some more , and brutally raped on the tidy lawn of a smart bungalow .
3 At Oyash , 50 miles north-east of Novosibirsk , a small wooden station with a distinctly Orientalist feel to its carved wooden decoration was dominated by a water tower , similarly decorated , which provided the upward thrust so common in Western stations in the nineteenth century and so lacking on the Trans-Siberian .
4 I was astonished and er I knew that there were there was a similar incident in Gatwick and erm I knew that our crew were quite er highly trained and highly experience on the European routes and Gatwick especially we have very frequent flights to Gatwick .
5 Suggestive landscape descriptions , based on the countryside of Alain-Fournier 's childhood ( near Blois , in Loir-et-Cher ) allowed Minton again to delve into his now well-rehearsed repertoire of landscape devices , though unfortunately his original cover design was replaced by another in which the quintessential motif of a figure disappearing down a deserted lane is reduced to a miserable size and merely sits on the front cover like an enlarged postage stamp .
6 It is largely a matter of economics and much hinges on the current price of energy .
7 The software houses that believed all the hot air about AD/Cycle , the Repository and SystemView and eagerly signed on the dotted line .
8 Now , if she were seated in her old place , wedged between the window and Penini , with his mother opposite encircled in her husband 's arms , or , if the men rode alongside or travelled on the outside of the carriage , sitting with her mistress while Pen and Flush lay on the other seat — now she would feel stifled , trapped , longing to get out .
9 We now have the opportunity to move out of the hotel and to rent the house of a Professor of Biology , and thus to save on the high cost of the hotel .
10 Protected on three sides by a sheer rock face and massively fortified on the fourth , its garrison had every reason to feel confident .
11 He fumbled for and finally pounced on the right word , ‘ Of torihada in my legs . ’
12 This project involves planning for three methods of travel ; costing each one ; estimating the time for each one ; and finally deciding on the quickest and/or cheapest method of travel .
13 The Federal Assembly has made a mess of the country 's name , rejecting the Czecho-Slovakia with a hyphen and finally agreeing on the Czech and Slovak Federated Republic ( CFSR ) .
14 As outlined in the Introduction , this book specifically and deliberately concentrates on the upper end of the British search market , and is not concerned with firms specialising in lower-level appointments , selection and advertising , except when this accompanies some higher-level work , as in the case of MSL .
15 Meanwhile , Murray Johnstone has taken the approach of cutting its initial charge to 1 per cent and always dealing on the full spread .
16 Rather lovable in spite of all ’ — was recorded at age 7 and still remained on the secondary school record at age 14 .
17 Beginning from the plant size with maximum capacity Q 0 , in the long run society can gain the triangle ABE by expanding plant capacity until LMC equals social marginal benefit at E. At this plant size Q 2 the price is P 1 and still lies on the short-run marginal cost curve which is now SMC 2 .
18 It was more and more focused on the internal biochemistry of the individual , as against the older and simpler individual/environment equation .
19 I ran to him , stumbling and nearly falling on the rough stones of the jetty .
20 Santa Cruz is accordingly to offer software developers interested in Pentium an advanced technology release programme that includes an early-release version of the Santa Cruz Optimising C Compiler , designed to generate binaries taking advantage of the forthcoming Intel chip , and also run on the 80486 .
21 SCO is accordingly to offer software developers interested in Pentium an advanced technology release program that includes an early-release version of the SCO Optimising C Compiler , designed to generate binaries taking advantage of the forthcoming Intel chip , and also run on the 486 .
22 He was also a musical performer and also acted on the dramatic stage .
23 About 30 actuaries are employed in the Government Actuary 's Department which advises the D.S.S. on retirement and sickness benefits , acts as a watchdog over life assurance companies and also advises on the various public service pension schemes and many other matters .
24 She performed with fellow West Londoners the Mighty Ethnicz on the recent Ice T tour and also appeared on the last Mantronix video .
25 The scale of the amine abnormality is proportional to the degree of hyperphenylalaninaemia and probably depends on the combined effects of competitive inhibition of tyrosine and tryptophan hydroxylases ( by phenylalanine ) and a deficiency of the amino acid substrates for these enzymes .
26 Fear on the inside and now fear on the outside as well .
27 as if he had let go of oars and rudder and now drifted on the dark current of events .
28 Lisa is eighteen and now lives on the nineteenth floor of a block of London flats with her nine-month-old daughter .
29 Charlotte did get the position of nanny and often travelled on the same train home on her days off , always in the first compartment behind the tender and always hoping that she would see Albert , which she often did and she leaned out of the window to talk to him when the train stopped in the stations .
30 These are automatically silenced at night and may be silenced manually at any time by operating levers which are neatly and unobtrusively located on the hand-crafted dial .
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