Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] for a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is a distinction between an article created as a one-off work of art and something made as a practical , utilitarian object and perhaps destined for a production line .
2 The B film was a Western starring Randolph Scott , and when that was over he would watch Jane Russell again , and somewhere in between he would eat his boiled egg and perhaps sleep for a while .
3 With only fifteen yards to go Crisp tightened as he felt Red Rum 's presence but it was his dying effort and only lasted for a second .
4 They are complicated and obviously designed for a purpose , yet they are not alive , and they are made of metal and plastic rather than of flesh and blood .
5 Because not enough information is given to buyers on the sheer expense and time needed to feed , train , groom and generally care for a dog .
6 When recession struck the oil-pumping south-west in the 1980s , thrifts in Texas and elsewhere pleaded for a relaxation of capital standards to help them grow out of trouble .
7 My patience snapped and I said : ‘ Do shut up and just listen for a moment . ’
8 ‘ How can you respect bashing in a bolt and just waiting for a robot to take over your job ?
9 She was so surprised she could n't think of anything to say and just stood for a moment staring at him .
10 I remember driving down to Leith on that Friday night , and just going for a walk and thinking that the next time the sun came up I would be playing at Murrayfield .
11 But with half an hour gone the poor quality of United 's final ball had left Cantona stranded and still looking for a chance to put some flesh on Ferguson 's bold predictions .
12 A major purveyor of Tory gossip and still looking for a job .
13 it gives people a chance to come from the surrounding area , have a beer , relax , and still look for a job
14 He tried to live an ordinary life , working as a bus driver , and accounts clerk at Harrods and later studying for a zoology degree , but nothing made him content .
15 Bearing in mind that it takes approximately 12 weeks from planting to flowering , it is possible to grow bulbs of many species and varieties to flower at the same time for a spectacular display , and also plant for a succession of flowers if potting up is carefully timed .
16 On leaving school Herbert joined his father as an engineering apprentice , and also worked for a time in the mechanical engineering laboratories of the City and Guilds Technical College in Finchley , London .
17 He 'll hear you out and probably roar for a cup of sack . ’
18 He wandered up to the logging camp on his eighteenth birthday and enthusiastically asked for a job .
19 Except I 'm starving hungry , and positively yearn for a sandwich .
20 AI has called for an independent inquiry into the killings and repeatedly called for a curb on the use of firearms by the security forces .
21 From there he had got into Trinity College , and now hoped for a career in the Civil Service .
22 What , and now going for a head , hit the bar .
23 These rosy expectations were not , however , to be fulfilled and even allowing for a degree of misfortune , Carter 's record of achievement as president was slim .
24 Then they started signing autographs and even posed for a photograph with pub regular Frank Gait .
25 He wanted something done about it and even asked for a move .
26 You can try your luck in Scheffau , and even compete for a bronze , silver or gold medal .
27 She is a familiar sight round the lanes near the stables , trotting along with her exercise cart , and even works for a living by fetching her own carrots from the local farm shop .
28 But look ! here come more crowds , pacing straight for the water , and seemingly bound for a dive .
29 He often dropped in at this time of day , and frequently stayed for a drink on the veranda and an inspection of Faye 's work in the air-conditioned studio at the back of the house that would be used more and more as the hot summer approached .
30 He has heard about the ‘ Hello curse ’ , where loving couples tell in the glossy how good life is together … and immediately head for a break-up .
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