Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A complete set of software tools to aid the physical mapping of a genome has been developed and successfully applied to the genomic mapping of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe .
2 If the money supply is not expanded sufficiently to meet this demand , interest rates will rise , this in turn will discourage some investment and so contribute to the slowing down in the growth of output and eventually lead to the upper turning-point .
3 The announcement of the bride 's sister 's engagement would be acceptable , but only if the bride herself knows in advance and gladly agrees to the public announcement being made at her wedding .
4 The imminence of a Labour government may have persuaded some of the middle class to consult their interests rather than their tender consciences , and so return to the Tory fold .
5 The idea was this : When the star becomes small , the matter particles get very near each other , and so according to the Pauli exclusion principle , they must have very different velocities .
6 These values should be increased to give optimal response and so adapt to the overall machine loading on the host system .
7 It follows that any significant increase in the number of defendants who are committed for trial to the Crown Court instead of being dealt with by the magistrates will itself engender further delays and so add to the growing remand problem .
8 They contained articles by a variety of writers ( including politicians , and teachers ) each of whom had one common aim and purpose — to show that progressive methods in both primary and secondary schools were ‘ selling children short ’ and so contributing to the general permissiveness which ( they said ) was undermining the traditions of British society .
9 As the law is complex to apply in some cases where the notice period needs to be calculated and perhaps added to the three months limit or , as in the Sen case , the adviser simply got the calculation of the three months wrong , the claim should be presented and the Tribunal asked to consider the facts before exercising its discretion .
10 The hypothesis that Sabat and Harré advance is that although AD can lead to disruption in memory recall , impairment of linguistic performance , and deficiencies of information processing , it does not result in the loss of ‘ self ’ and only contributes to the possible loss of ‘ selves ’ .
11 His detailed and systematic accumulation of electoral information provided him with an unsurpassed knowledge of constituencies and candidates and greatly contributed to the efficient Conservative organization which triumphed in 1841 .
12 It seems to follow from Darwin 's ideas that as the generations pass , so the organisms in a particular line of descent ( lineage ) must become better and better adapted to the prevailing conditions .
13 Despite those veterans seen in the marathons , jogging is tough on the joints and better left to the young and the truly athletic .
14 Like Paisley , Bradford was extremely conservative in theology and sufficiently opposed to the ecumenical movement to be forced out of the Irish Methodist ministry .
15 We fought for them to come to the Assembly , where they could speak their minds and meet the Africans they never meet , and together listen to the Almighty Who might know better even than they what is best for the country .
16 Such an approach involves less intensive data collection and generally conforms to the managerial form of the organization ( see figure 4.3 ) .
17 This all seems rather difficult to do when arranging a funeral or cremation , and anyway adds to the practical load .
18 In 1566 it was still incomplete and easily fell to the French corsairs who attacked Funchal in that year .
19 For these countries , the scale of expansion was not affected by the dollar crisis ( although the form may have been — the ‘ automatic ’ nature of the monetary expansion generated by dollar inflows may have bred a more monetary , and less fiscal , policy mixture than would otherwise have been adopted , and thus contributed to the easy money regime ) .
20 This means that many mergers for which there have been no demonstrable advantages , but which have not been found to be overtly anti-competitive , have been allowed through , and thus contributed to the general increase in industrial concentration .
21 Between the peace settlement of 1814 – 15 and the death of the old monarchical and aristocratic Europe after 1914 there was some growth in the size and a more marked one in the geographical scope of diplomatic services ; but this was slow and largely confined to the major states .
22 They include the effect of rising divorce rates on the number of one-person households and single-parent families , which disproportionately seek accommodation in the rented sectors because of relatively low average incomes , but are also able to take advantage of the low-cost home ownership schemes introduced by the 1980 Housing Act and largely confined to the urban stress areas .
23 TNF α+; cells were present in the lamina propria of six of the 11 normal controls , but these were few in number and largely confined to the subepithelial zone ( median density 5.5 cells/ mm , 95% confidence intervals 1.6 to 20.9 ) .
24 In one study of primary schools , the 1918 Handbook of Suggestions for the Consideration of Teachers was quoted as making only one requirement of uniformity , " the Board of Education desired to see in the teaching of public elementary schools … that each teacher shall think for himself , and work out by himself such methods of teaching as may use his powers to best advantage and best suited to the particular needs and conditions of the school " ( Kogan 1973:145 ) .
25 The issue is whether or not there should be a strong framework and organizational commitment to instruments of public policy or whether or not there is a belief that such interventions are illegitimate and best left to the mysterious movements of market forces .
26 In these respects Frith/Moll is represented in the tradition of the warrior woman and the folk figure of Long Meg of Westminster , both of whom distinguish true morality from false , the proper man from the braggart , and finally submit to the former ( Shepherd , Amazons , esp .
27 We went farther up the wasted beach , still finding interesting pieces of flotsam and finally coming to the rusted remnant I thought was a water-tank or a half-buried canoe , from a distance .
28 Opportunities to observe how the novice 's area supervisor or other , more experienced , colleagues handle negotiations or use their discretion are limited and usually confined to the bigger pollutions or more intractable problems .
29 It is at this point that the analogy between anorexia nervosa and hysteria , which Freud saw as separate from and possibly opposed to the obsessional neuroses , seems to break down , along with Dally 's separation of the two as different forms of the disease .
30 Normally , when there is a single mother cat , each kitten is the ‘ owner ’ of its own personal nipple and always returns to the same nipple every time it feeds .
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