Example sentences of "and [adv] [verb] to [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has the aim of enabling participants to understand the reality of each others ' lives , and thereby contribute to changes in both societies .
2 Thus new definitions of crime and new laws raise problems in the comparison of statistics on a ‘ before and after ’ basis , and thereby lead to problems in talking about rises or falls in crime .
3 Besides cleaning up the city 's litter , he was determined to cure its chronic pollution problem , and duly went to war on public and private traffic , proposing a total ban from some areas .
4 She had been very ill and suddenly taken to hospital without Darren 's knowing why .
5 This new evidence was held by the defence and only came to light during the trial .
6 After the two pictures for Leone , Van Cleef stayed in Europe to make pale imitations of them and only returned to Hollywood in 1970 for El Condor which unwisely made him a sympathetic character .
7 Individuals usually more widely scattered over shore than Golden Plovers , and less given to manoeuvres in close flocks .
8 After all , it is said that children grow out of crime and naturally move to independence from their families .
9 A broken man , pale and much given to outbursts of weeping , a man trembling on the threshold of self-murder .
10 In the present study , the expression was used more frequently in the pooled with conditions than in the pooled and conditions , and thus corresponded to conditions in which plurals were less frequent .
11 I was two days late in getting onshore and just got to London on time .
12 This is very important because once you start to perceive yourself in negative terms you will probably start to act in a negative way , being quarrelsome and finally looking to food for comfort .
13 The Russians were interested in and finally converted to Christianity at the end of the tenth century and from this time onwards their ecclesiastical architecture was based on that of Constantinople while the churches were , in many cases , built and decorated by Byzantine craftsmen .
14 In the novel itself we meet the Russian people , the folk , only once , and then as inflictors of suffering , in Raskolnikov 's half-dream ( which is also half-memory ) of a little mare being tortured and finally clubbed to death by drunken peasants .
15 She will need time to grieve inwardly a little over these losses and gradually come to terms with them in her own way , so you should not assume that any moods of depression or irritability she has in those early months are a reflection on the efforts you are making to help her to feel ‘ at home ’ .
16 51 Cr-labelled T cells and recombinant human MIP-1 β ( from M. Tsang ) were added to the plates , settled at 4°C for 60min and rapidly warmed to 37°C for 15min , after which non-adherent cells were washed off .
17 After all , a fox being pursued to ground by a pack of baying dogs to the point of sheer exhaustion and possibly ravaged to pieces in their final kill has little option of a prior engagement .
18 One finding , for instance , was that cyclists can leave home in the morning later , as late as 8.15 , and still get to school in good time .
19 The shares opened at 76p and quickly soared to 96p before settling back to 81p .
20 What was clear , however , was that he was extremely intelligent , and quickly got to grips with the complex technicalities of nuclear fission and its consequences .
21 Rain knew Oliver was picturing himself back in the wine bar in Chelsea telling everyone how he 'd been mistaken for a drug dealer and nearly done to death in a Mediterranean backstreet by an underworld rival .
22 They are expelled from the second city they visit ( Acts 13:51 ) , plotted against at the next ( Acts 14:5 ) , and nearly stoned to death at Lystra ( Acts 14:19 ) .
23 The Duke 's gardener , Joseph Paxton designed the Crystal Palace which was erected in Hyde Park for Prince Albert 's 1851 Great Exhibition , and later transferred to Sydenham in southeast London .
24 This unit was formed in 1968 and moved from London to temporary quarters in Edinburgh in 1973 , at first at 13 Braefoot Terrace and later overflowing to accommodation at 9 South St David 's Street .
25 And later exported to Ireland for service on the three-foot gauge CDJR which was entirely steam operated until 1907 .
26 He ( and the Assistant Dean ) also counsel many other students on the Course who consider that they have problems , and also respond to queries from other staff as to how best to advise individual students .
27 Bush promised that the idea would be studied carefully , and also acceded to requests for negotiations on higher quotas for Turkish textile imports to the USA and on greater US military aid .
28 Oh yes , if Greg had been around when the storm broke he 'd have faced ruin — and probably gone to gaol into the bargain .
29 Details of the ‘ highly sensitive ’ information have not been made public , but it is understood to have originated from intelligence and diplomatic sources and probably relates to plans by Marcos loyalists to capitalise on his return to the country .
30 The contributions payable are significant financial burdens , particularly for an applicant towards the top end of the financial eligibility range , and probably lead to rejection of the offered certificate by a number of applicants who can not afford the contribution .
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